Evolution of Micropores in Polymer-Polymer Composite Thin Films

Finite Element Model (FEM) Results

Shape 1

Simulation for Shape 1 here

As the diffusion begins, the valley between the two large areas begins to lessen.  The sides of the pore will move in slowly in as the top and bottom boundaries of the pore move out.  The pore eventually takes on a circular shape as diffusion and evaporation continue.

Shape 2

Simulation for Shape 2 here

The peaks on the edges of the pore will decrease in magnitude.  The sharp projections allow for rapid movement in order to reduce surface energy.  The indented boundaries will expand and the shape will become circular in nature.

Shape 3

Simulation for Shape 3 here

The various peaks on the shapes surface will lessen in size as the pore expands.  The large valleys begin to decrease as the surface energy is reduced by diffusion.  The pore ends up circular in shape

Shape 4.

Simulation for Shape 4 here

As diffusion and evaporation begins, the height of the protrusions in comparison to the main area of the pore will reduce in order to decrease surface energy.  The evaporation rate is greater than the diffusion, and as a result the shape does not obtain the low energy circle shape during the simulation.  The high evaporation rate allows the pore to expand in its rectangular shape. 


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