6.4 Surprise Exam

Keywords: surprise, pete, exam, examination, student, day, live, occur, justifiably, test, last, derose, game, tree, deliberation

Number of articles: 40
Weighted number of articles: 35.63663

A scatterplot showing the raw number of articles that are in the epistemology subtopic surprise exam each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.59, and the median value is 0. It reaches a peak value of 3 in 1965, and has a minimum value of 0 in 1946.

Figure 6.21: Raw number of articles in topic 4, surprise exam.

A scatterplot showing the weighted number of articles that are in the epistemology subtopic surprise exam each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.52, and the median value is 0.12. It reaches a peak value of 3.01 in 1965, and has a minimum value of 0 in 1950.

Figure 6.22: Weighted number of articles in topic 4, surprise exam.

A scatterplot showing the proportion of philosophy articles that are in the epistemology subtopic surprise exam each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.1%, and the median value is 0.0%. It reaches a peak value of 0.8% in 1991, and has a minimum value of 0.0% in 1950.

Figure 6.23: Percentage of philosophy articles in topic 4, surprise exam.

A scatterplot showing the percentage of epistemology articles that are in the epistemology subtopic surprise exam each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 2.7%, and the median value is 0.5%. It reaches a peak value of 33.3% in 1952, and has a minimum value of 0.0% in 2006.

Figure 6.24: Percentage of epistemology articles in topic 4, surprise exam.

Characteristic Articles

  1. A. K. Austin, 1979, “The Unexpected Examination,” Analysis 39:63–4.
  2. James Cargile, 1967, “The Surprise Test Paradox,” Journal of Philosophy 64:550–63.
  3. Judith Schoenberg, 1966, “A Note on the Logical Fallacy in the Paradox of the Unexpected Examination,” Mind 75:125–7.
  4. Michael Scriven, 1951, “Paradoxical Announcements,” Mind 60:403–7.
  5. R. A. Sharpe, 1965, “The Unexpected Examination,” Mind 74:255–5.
  6. Roy A. Sorensen, 1993, “The Earliest Unexpected Class Inspection,” Analysis 53:252–2.
  7. J. M. Chapman and R. J. Butler, 1965, “On Quine’s ‘So-Called Paradox’,” Mind 74:424–5.
  8. James Kiefer and James Ellison, 1965, “The Prediction Paradox Again,” Mind 74:426–7.
  9. J. A. Wright, 1967, “The Surprise Exam: Prediction on Last Day Uncertain,” Mind 76:115–7.
  10. Paul Weiss, 1952, “The Prediction Paradox,” Mind 61:265–9.