6.27 Triviality Results

Keywords: ramsey, revision, adams, probabilities, factual, defined, probability, conditionals, sets, functions, conditional, probabilistic, test, events, stalnaker

Number of articles: 41
Weighted number of articles: 40.44649

A scatterplot showing the raw number of articles that are in the epistemology subtopic triviality results each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.6, and the median value is 0. It reaches a peak value of 5 in 2012, and has a minimum value of 0 in 1946.

Figure 6.113: Raw number of articles in topic 27, triviality results.

A scatterplot showing the weighted number of articles that are in the epistemology subtopic triviality results each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.59, and the median value is 0.15. It reaches a peak value of 4.43 in 2012, and has a minimum value of 0 in 1950.

Figure 6.114: Weighted number of articles in topic 27, triviality results.

A scatterplot showing the proportion of philosophy articles that are in the epistemology subtopic triviality results each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.1%, and the median value is 0.0%. It reaches a peak value of 1.1% in 2012, and has a minimum value of 0.0% in 1950.

Figure 6.115: Percentage of philosophy articles in topic 27, triviality results.

A scatterplot showing the percentage of epistemology articles that are in the epistemology subtopic triviality results each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 1.6%, and the median value is 0.6%. It reaches a peak value of 9.8% in 1986, and has a minimum value of 0.0% in 1950.

Figure 6.116: Percentage of epistemology articles in topic 27, triviality results.

Characteristic Articles

  1. Charles B. Cross, 2000, “A Characterization of Imaging in Terms of Popper Functions,” Philosophy of Science 67:316–38.
  2. Peter Gärdenfors, 1986, “Belief Revisions and the Ramsey Test for Conditionals,” Philosophical Review 95:81–93.
  3. Richard Bradley, 2000, “A Preservation Condition for Conditionals,” Analysis 60:219–22.
  4. Horacio Arló-Costa, 2001, “Bayesian Epistemology and Epistemic Conditionals: On the Status of the Export-Import Laws,” Journal of Philosophy 98:555–93.
  5. Peter Gardenfors, 1982, “Imaging and Conditionalization,” Journal of Philosophy 79:747–60.
  6. David Etlin, 2009, “The Problem of Noncounterfactual Conditionals,” Philosophy of Science 76:676–88.
  7. Peter Milne, 2003, “The Simplest Lewis-Style Triviality Proof Yet?,” Analysis 63:300–3.
  8. Frank Doring, 1994, “On the Probabilities of Conditionals,” Philosophical Review 103:689–700.
  9. Sven Ove Hansson, 1992, “In Defense of the Ramsey Test,” Journal of Philosophy 89:522–40.
  10. Peter Milne, 1997, “Bruno De Finetti and the Logic of Conditional Events,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48:195–232.

Highly Cited Articles

  1. Robert C. Stalnaker, 1970, “Probability and Conditionals,” Philosophy of Science 37:64–80. (0.8062851)