6.21 Deception

Keywords: deception, intention, intentional, self, action, actions, psychological, davidson, desires, conscious, capacity, reflective, attitudes, perspective, desire

Number of articles: 51
Weighted number of articles: 45.97873

A scatterplot showing the raw number of articles that are in the epistemology subtopic deception each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.75, and the median value is 0. It reaches a peak value of 3 in 1990, and has a minimum value of 0 in 1947.

Figure 6.89: Raw number of articles in topic 21, deception.

A scatterplot showing the weighted number of articles that are in the epistemology subtopic deception each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.67, and the median value is 0.45. It reaches a peak value of 2.22 in 2010, and has a minimum value of 0 in 1950.

Figure 6.90: Weighted number of articles in topic 21, deception.

A scatterplot showing the proportion of philosophy articles that are in the epistemology subtopic deception each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 0.2%, and the median value is 0.1%. It reaches a peak value of 0.6% in 1990, and has a minimum value of 0.0% in 1950.

Figure 6.91: Percentage of philosophy articles in topic 21, deception.

A scatterplot showing the percentage of epistemology articles that are in the epistemology subtopic deception each year from 1945-2013. The average value is 2.5%, and the median value is 2.1%. It reaches a peak value of 14.1% in 1946, and has a minimum value of 0.0% in 1950.

Figure 6.92: Percentage of epistemology articles in topic 21, deception.

Characteristic Articles

  1. Dana Radcliffe, 1997, “Scott-Kakures on Believing at Will,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57:145–51.
  2. Frederick A. Siegler, 1968, “An Analysis of Self-Deception,” Noûs 2:147–64.
  3. Béla Szabados, 1973, “Wishful Thinking and Self-Deception,” Analysis 33:201–5.
  4. Sarah K. Paul, 2009, “Intention, Belief, and Wishful Thinking: Setiya on “practical Knowledge”,” Ethics 119:546–57.
  5. Alfred R. Mele, 1983, “Self-Deception,” The Philosophical Quarterly 33:365–77.
  6. Dion Scott-Kakures, 1994, “On Belief and the Captivity of the Will,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54:77–103.
  7. Dion Scott-Kakures, 2002, “At”Permanent Risk”: Reasoning and Self-Knowledge in Self-Deception,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65:576–603.
  8. José Luis Bermúdez, 2000, “Self-Deception, Intentions, and Contradictory Beliefs,” Analysis 60:309–19.
  9. Dion Scott-Kakures, 1996, “Self-Deception and Internal Irrationality,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56:31–56.
  10. George Graham, 1986, “Russell’s Deceptive Desires,” The Philosophical Quarterly 36:223–9.

Highly Cited Articles

  1. Michael E. Bratman, 1992, “Practical Reasoning and Acceptance in a Context,” Mind 101:1–15. (0.2281029)
  2. Jonathan Bennett, 1990, “Why is Belief Involuntary?,” Analysis 50:87–107. (0.7223654)