Bibliography of Travelers through Inner Asia

by Vika Gardner

Last updated June 17, 2000.


Albrecht, Max. Russisch Centralasien. Reisebilder aus Transkaspien, Buchara und Turkestan. Hamburg: Verlag sanstalt und Druckerei A. G., 1896. [Illustrated, no index, short biblio in front.]

Anet, Claude [Schopfer, Jean]. Feuilles Persanes. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1924. [Goes to Bukhara and Khwarezm. Small map, no index.]

Atkinson, Thomas William. Oriental and Western Siberia: A Narrative of Seven Year’s Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghiz Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and Part of Central Asia. New York: Harper and Borthers, 1858.

Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Travels in the Region of the Lower and Upper Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the confines of India and China. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1860. [maps, illustrations. Index, Appendix with animals. Does not go to Samarkand/Bukhara.]

Bailey, Lt. Col. F. M. Mission to Tashkent. London: Travel Book Club, 1946. [Index, no biblio. Mentions Sarts as the name the Russians use for everyone, including their language. The de rigeur Easter presence. Overemphasis on the Russians in CA.]

Bonvalot, Gabriel. En Asie Centrale: De Moscou en Bactriane. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1884. [illustrated. large map with travel marked. no index. Excellent discussion of trying to get people to say what "peuple" they belong to. Photo of "femme sarte".]

_____. Through the Heart of Asia: Over the Pamiïr to India. Illustrations by Albert Pépin. Trans. by C.B. Pitman. 2 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1889. ["250" illustrations including "sarthians". Not a trans of above, this is south of the Oxus.]

_____. L’Asia Inconnue: A Travers le Tibet. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, n.d. [1896] [Cover bound in back. map.]

Boukhary, Mir Abdoul Kerim. Histoire de l'Asie Centrale (Afghanistan, Boukhara, Khiva, Khoqand). Depuis les dernières années du règne de Nadir Chah (1153), jusqu'en de l'Hégire (1740-1818). Trans. and ed. by Charles Schefer. Publications de l'École des Langues Orientales Vivantes Ie. série. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1876. [300 pp. Has more information about princely geneologies than anything else. Distance between cities. A good map. Van Pelt's first vol. has French, second vol. has Arabic script. 1st person history.]

Buckingham, J. Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia. 2 vols. London, 1830. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 27. Not checked.]

Brun, Capt. A. H. Troublous Times: Experiences in Bolshevik Russia and Turkestan. London: Constable & Co., 1931. [Index, iluustrated, no biblio. Travel during WWI.]

Bukhari, Mir Mukhammed Amin-i. Ubaidulla-name. Trans. from "tadzhikskogo" by A.A. Semenova. Tashkent: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1957. [Indexes of names and geograph. Long ToC. Author is 18th cent. In Russian.]

Burnaby, Fred. A Ride to Khiva: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. 6th ed. London: Cassell Petter & Galpin, 1877. [lots of maps, appendices with march routes. Budget from "Turkestan Gov’t" 1868-1872, including taxes and where from (guild, etc). No index. "Kirghiz Amazons," "kalender-hana," "effeminate Boys dressed like a little woman." Can guess where his mind was. Spent most of his time in Khiva. 500 pp. No Uzbeks.]

Burnes, Alexander. Travels into Bukhara, together with a narrative of a voyage on the Indus. 3 vols. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1973. [Travel 1831-33. Few illustrations.]

Cable, Mildred, Houghton, F., Kilgour, R., McLeish, A., Sturt, R.W., and Wyon, Olive. The Challenge of Central Asia: A Brief Survey of Tibet and its Borderlands, Mongolia, North-west Kansu, Chinese Turkestan, and Russian Central Asia. London: World Dominion Press, 1929. [Missionary survey.]

Centlivres, Pierre. Un bazar d’Asie Centrale: Forme et organisation du bazar de Tashqurghan (Afghanistan). Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 1972. [Biblio, map, history, illustrations. Modern anthropology.]

de Cholet, le Comte. Excursion en Turkestan et sur la Frontière Russo-Afghan. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1889. [Pictures in this book are the same as those in others.]

Christie, Ella R. Through Khiva to Golden Samarkand. 2nd ed. London: Seeley, Service & Company, Ltd., 1925. [Illustrated, index.]

Crosby, Oscar Terry. Tibet and Turkestan: A Journey through Old Lands and a Study of New Conditions. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1905. [Illustrated. Mostly Chinese side. great color map.]

Curtis, William Eleroy. Turkestan: "The Heart of Asia". New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1911. [Parts that are useful copied.]

Curzon, George A. Russia in Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian Question. London: Frank Cass and Company, 1967. First published 1889. [Index, biblio, illustrations.]

_____. Travels with a Superior Person. Edited by Peter King. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985. [Abridged version of above, heavily illustrated.]

Demezon, P.I. and Vitkevich, I. V. Zapiski o Bukharskom Khanstve. Tsentral'naya Aziya v istochnikakh i materialakh XIX-nachala XX veka. Moscow: Glavnaya Redaktsiya Vostochnoi literatury, 1983. [150 pp, travel done in 1830s, indices, biblio, footnotes. No maps, but table showing movements day by day.]

Di Cosmo, Nicola. "A Russian Envoy to Khiva: The Italian Diary of Florio Beneveni." In Proceedings of the XXVIII Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Venice, 8-14 July 1985. Edited by Giovanni Stary. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1989, pp. 73-114. [Travel in 1725.]

Dmitriev-Kavkazskii, L. E. Po Srednei Azii: Zapiski Khudozhnika. St. Petersburg: Izdanie A. F. Devrien, 1894. [Illustrated.]

Dobson, George. Russia’s Railway Advance into Central Asia. Notes of a Journey from St. Petersburg to Samarkand. London: W.H. Allen & Company, 1890. [Illustrated. Sarts on pp. 207, 225.]

Dunmore, "The Earl of" [Charles Adolphus Murray] The Pamirs: A Narrative of a Year’s Expedition on Horseback and on Foot through Kashmir, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartary, and Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1893. [no index. Maps at end of each volume. Goes to Samarkand. "Chinese official map of Pamirs." illustrations.]

Emin, Mehmet Efendi. Îstanbul'dan Orta Asya'ya Seyahat. Edited by Rizâ Akdemir. Ankara: Kültür ve turizm bakanlig, Yayinlari, 1986. [No index.\Mostly south with Turkmen.]

Evans, John L., ed. Mission of N.P. Ignat’ev to Khiva and Bukhara in 1858. Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, 1984. [see also article by Strong. Mostly about rulers, econ.]

Eversman, E. Reise nach Buchara. Berlin, 1822. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 61. Not checked.]

Ferrier, J. P. Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, and Beloochisan. "Translated from the original unpublished manuscripts by Capt. William Jesse." Edited by H.D. Seymour. 2nd ed. London: John Murray, 1857. [Good map with most of the travellers marked. Long ToC, no index. Written in 1st person, but seems to be Ferrier speaking. all southern route. Very likely fiction. UM holds two copies.]

Forbes, Rosita. Forbidden Road - Kabul to Samarkand. New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1937. [photos, index. See also opposite title page -- different book by same author.]

Fraser, J.B. [James Baillie] A Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan in the years 1821 and 1822. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1825. [UM holds, DS 258 .F85, special collections.]

_____. Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1826. [UM holds, DS 258 .F843, special collections. The same author has a number of other books, some with both New York and London imprints, of travels from Istanbul, through Iran and into northern India/Pakistan. One book has an appendix of manuscripts he collected in his travels, another with geological and trade information.]

Fry, Hubert Oswald. Lost Among the Affghans: Being the Adventures of John Campbell (otherwise Feringhee Bacha) amongst the Wild Tribes of Central Asia. London: Smith, Elder & Company, 1862. [Goes to Bukhara, bust mostly Turkmen. No index, no maps]

Gamba, J.-F. Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale. 2 vols. Paris, 1826. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 52. Not checked.]

Graham, Stephen. Through Russian Central Asia. New York: Macmillan Company, 1916. [illustrated, photos. Index.]

Hedin, Sven. Central Asia and Tibet: Towards the Holy City of Lassa. 2 Vols. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1903. [600 pp. maps, illustrations, index in v2,.]

_____. Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia 1899-1902. Vol. VI, Part III: "Racial Types from Western and Central Asia." Stockholm: Lithographic Institute of the General Staff of the Swedish Army, 1907. [Part of 6? Vol set.]

Vol. I: "The Tarim River." Stockholm, 1904. [Index for this vol in vol II.]
Vol. II: "Lop-Nor." Stockholm, 1905. Chapt XLIII: "Population of East Turkestan," pp. 599-618. [references other Russian sci missions in region. Indexes. Parimary focus on numbers.]
Vol. III: "North and East Tibet." Stockholm, 1905.
Vol. IV: "Central and West Tibet." Stockhom, 1907.
Vol. VI Part I: "Zoologie" by Wilhelm Lache, 1904.
Vol. VI Part II: "Geologiy" by Helge Bäckström and Harald Johansson, 1907.
Vol. VI Part II: see above.
unnumbered volume: Maps. 50+. One central map shows where all the others are located.

von Hellwald, Frederick. The Russians in Central Asia: A Critical Examination Down to the Present Time of the Geography and History of Central Asia. Trans. by Theodore Wirgman. London: Henry S. King & Co., 1874. [index, footnotes.]

Helmersen, G. von. Alexander Lehmann’s Reise nach Buchara und Samarkand in den Jahren 1841 und 1842. Verlag: Osnabrück, 1969. Originally published Neuruck der Ausgabe, 1852. [Line drawings, map.]

Huc, [Evarish Régis]. Travels in Tatary, Tibet and China during the years 1844-5-6. 2nd reprint ed. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 1900. [illustrated. "Tatary" is northern Kirghizstan and western Siberia.]

Hugh, Pearse. Soldier and Traveller: The Memoirs of Alexander Gardner. Introduction by Sir Richard Temple. London: Willliam Blackwood and Sons, 1898. [Index. Small map. Gardner (1785-1877). 3rd person summaries. Kalendars. p. 104-5 Tajiks and Uzbeks with occupations. Sounds like fiction -- while Gardner talks about people speaking many different languages, he seems to understand them all himself.]

Huntington, Ellsworth. The Pulse of Asia. A Journey in Central Asia Illustrating the Geographic Basis of History. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 1907. [Illustrated, Sarts, references, index. References are mostly from the chinese side.]

Jan, Michel, ed. Le Voyage en Asie Centrale et au Tibet. Anthologie des voyages occidentaux du moyen age a la première moitié du XXe siècle. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1992. [Approx. 1500 pp. This editor usually does China. Excellent edition, would be great to use to teach CA.]

Jaworskij, J. L. [Yavorskii, Ivan L.] Reise der Rusischen Gesandtschaft in Afghanistan und Bukhara in den Jahren 1878-79. Trans from Russian by Ed Petri.2 vols. Jena: Hermann Costenoble, 1885. [no index, long ToC, very hard-to-read gothic style print.

Jefferson, Robert L.. New Ride to Khiva. London: Methuen & Company, 1899. ["with 51 illustrations", which are largely photographs, many of people. See especially the photo of a "witch". Author rode a bike from Europe through to Khiva. Most of it rings true. 300+ pp. no index, no biblio, no maps.]

Johnson, J. A Journey from India to England through Persia etc. London, 1818. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 38. Not checked.]

Kaidalov, E. Karavan-Zapiski vo Vremya Pokhod v Bukhariyu Rossiiskogo Karavana pod Voinskim Prikrytiem v 1824 i 1825 godax. ch. I-III, Moscow, 1827-1828. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 64. Not checked.]

Ker Porter, R. Travels in Georgia, Persia, etc. London, 1821. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 32. Not checked.]

Khalfin, N.A. Politika Rossii v Srednei Azii (1857-1868). Moskow: Izdatel’stvo Vostochnoi Literatury, 1960. [Maps, index, bibliography. Straight forward political history.]

_____. Rossiia i khanstva Srednei Azii (pervaia polovina XIX veka). Moscow: Nauka, 1974. [From Rywkin biblio.]

Khalfin, N.A. and Rassadina, E.F. N.V. Khanykov - vostokoved i diplomat. Moskow: Izdatel’stvo "Nauka" Glavnaya Redaktsiya Vostochnoi Literatury, 1977. [index, illustrations. List of Khanykov’s works. About 200 pp.]

Khan, Riza Qouly. Relation de l'Ambassade au Kharezm. Trans. by Charles Schefer. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1879.

Khan-urf, Rustam. The Diary of a Slave. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Company, n.d. [photos, no index. Treat as a novel. 1910 is in body of text, probably post WWi pub date.]

Khanikoff [Khanykov, Nikolai Vladimirovich]. Bokhara: Its Amir and Its People. Trans. Baron Clement A. de Bode. London: James Madden, 1845. [Chap. of Sufis. Lots of Persian words but not much Turkic.]

Khanikoff, Nicolas de. Mémoire sur la Partie Méridionale de l’Asie Centrale. Paris: L. Martinet, 1861. [Index. Maps. Mentions many Sufis. Not checked thoroughly for Sarts. Essentially historiography.]

Khanikof, N. de. "Samarkand". Trans. M. P. Voelkel. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie V sér., tome 17 (Mar.-Apr. 1869), pp. 295-305. [Travel done in 1841. Pretty standard piece focusing on monuments & distances. No footnotes, though there are embedded references.]

Khorochkine, Alexandre Pavlovitch. "Itinéraires de l’Asie Centrale." In Recueil d’Itinéraires et de Voyages dans l’Asie Centrale et l’Extrême Orient. Ed. Ernest Leroux. Paris: Libraire de la Société Asiatique de Paris, de l’École des Languages Orientales Vivantes, 1878, pp. 163-243.

Kinneir, J. Macdonald. A Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia and Koordistan. London, 1818. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 50. Not checked.]

Kozlov, Petr Kuz’mich. Ruskii Puteshestvennik v tsentral’noi Azii.. Izbprannye trudy k stoletiyu co dnya rozhdeniya (1863-1963). Moskva: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Hauk SSR, 1963. [See esp. slovar’ at the end. Maps, photos. Most in Tien Shan.]

Krist, Gustav. Alone Through the Forbidden Land: Journeys in Disguise through Soviet Central Asia. Intro. by Fitzroy Maclean. Trans. by E. O. Lorimer. Cambridge: Ian Faulkner Publishing, 1992. First published in Austria in 1937; this translation first published in 1939 by Faber and Faber Ltd. [Treat as a novel.]

Kunitz, Joshua. Dawn over Samarkand: The Rebirth of Central Asia. New York: Covici-Friede, 1935. [no index. "acknowledgements" include some sources. Did go to central asia. very pro-soviet. Uses Khodzhaiev heavily as a source.]

Lal, Mohan. Travels in the Panjab, Afghanistan and Turkestan, to Balk [sic], Bokhara and Herat; and a visit to Great Britian and Germany. Patiala: Language Department, Punjab, 1971. First published 1846. [Author speaks English and Persian. Very aware of Hindus, does not remark at all about "turks" or "tajiks". Describes most people in terms of occupation/education. Talks about Shias (kizil bash) in Bukhara. Said to be traveling with Burnes.]

Lansdell, Henry. Russian Central Asia, Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv. 2 Vols. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1885. [Photos. Unabridged version of Through Central Asia. Index in v2. Each vol. about 700 pages.]

Lattimore, Eleanor Holgate. Turkestan Reunion. New York: Kodansha International, 1994. Originally published New York: John Day Co., 1934. [Line drawings by the author. No biblio, index. two maps of Siberia/E. Turkestan and just E. Turkestan.]

Leclerq, Jules. "Les Monuments de Samarcande." Société Royale Belge de Géographie Bulletin XII(6), 1890: 613-632.

Lumsden, T. A Journey from Mirut in India to London through Arabia, Persia etc. London, 1822. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 72. Not checked.]

Lunt, James. Bokhara Burnes, Great Travellers series, George Woodcock, general editor. London: Faber and Faber, 1969. [Maps, short biblio, index. illustrated.]

Mac Gahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1874. [illustrated. no maps, no index.]

Mannerheim, C.G. Across Asia from West to East in 1906-1908. 2 vols. Helsinki: Société Finno-Ougrienne, 1940. [Index, photos, maps. Written diary-style. Vol 2 is edited? chapters written by others. Vol 2 has most of the maps.]

Mannin, Ethel. South to Samarkand. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1937. [Index. Mentions Sarts. Travel in the 1930’s.]

Marvin, Charles. The Eye-witnesses’ Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the Akhal Tekke Turcomans. London: W.H. Allen & Company, 1880. [maps, illustrations, no index. maps of individ. campaigns. Reads Russian sources.]

_____. Merv: Queen of the World; and the Scourge of the Man-Stealing Turcomans with an Exposition of the Khorassan Question. London: W.H. Allen & Co., 1881.

_____. The Russian Railway to Herat and India. Intro. by Arminius Vámbéry. London: W.H. Allen & Company, 1883. [26 pp. map.]

_____. The Region of the Eternal Fire: An Account of a Journey to the Petroleum Region of the Caspien in 1883. London: W.H. Allen & Company, 1884. [illustrated, maps. Mostly western caspien. no index.]

Masal’skii, V.I. Turkestankii krai. Vol. II of Rossiya. Polnoe Geograpficheskoe Opisanie nashego otechstva. Edited by V.P. Semenova-Tyan"-Shanskago. St. Petersburg: Izdanie A.F. Devriena, 1913. [Section 1 about the phys geo, flora, etc, section 2 on people, starting around Peter the Great. Indexes. Illustrated. (Same pix/maps as most of the euro sources) Map. very long biblio, lots of euro sources, including travellers.]

Maslow, Jonathan. Sacred Horses: The Memoirs of a Turkmen Cowboy. New York: Random House, 1994. [Written by a journalist, this covers the author’s travels to Turkmenistan during 1989 and 1990 to see the Akhal-Tekke horses. Author speaks some Russian, no Turkmen. VERY long-winded. Contains numerous errors (e.g., juma=thursday). For entertainment purposes only.]

Meiendorf, Egor Kazimirovich, [1794-1863]. Puteshestvie iz Orenburga v Bukharu. Ed. N.A. Khalfin. Moskow: Glavnaia redaktsiia vostochnoi literatury, 1975. [180 pp, map.]

Meyendorff, M. le Baron George de. Voyage d'Orenbourg a Boukhara, fait en 1820, a travers les steppes qui s'étendent a l'est de la mer d'Aral et au-dela de l'ancien Jaxartes. Edited by Amédée Jaubert. Paris: Librairie Orientale de Dondey-Dupré, Père et fis, 1826. [Buhr DK 873.M48. UM holds original edition. Few illustrations, frontspiece "habitans de l’Asie centrale". Beautiful map with mountains, lots of towns. Sarty = tajik, see p. 111.]

Morier, J. A Second Journey through Persia, Armenia and Asia Minor to Constantinople. London, 1818. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 27. Not checked.]

Moser, Henri. A Travers l’Asie Centrale. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1885.

_____. L’Irrigation en Asie Centrale: Étude Géographique et Économique. Paris: Société d'éditions scientifique, 1894. [Sarts. color map. great discussion of water. Biblio, no index.]

_____. Safarnamahi Turkestan va Iran. 1977. [Index.]

Murav’ev, N.N. Puteshestvie v Turkmeniyu i Khivu. Moscow, 1822. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 59. Not checked.]

Myrdal, Jan and Kessle, Gun. Gates to Asia: A Diary from a Long Journey. Trans. from Swedish by Paul Britten Austin. New York: Pantheon Books, 1971. [No index, short ToC. Travel in 1958-65, ‘60-65 in CA. Photographs. Very politically oriented. Authors also went to India and Afghanistan.]

Nazaroff, Paul. Hunted Through Centra Asia: On the Run from Lenin’s Secret Police. Trans. by Malcolm Burr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.

O’Donovan, Edmond. The Merv Oasis: Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian during the Years 1879-80-81, including Five Months’ Residence among the Tekkés of Merv. 2 vols. London: Smith, Elder & Company, 1882. [Maps, illustration, no index. Large map in the back of volume 2. Sufis. Almost all of V2 is in Merv, lots of description.]

Radloff, Th. "Itinéraire de la Vallée du Moyen Zerefchan." In Recueil d’Itinéraires et de Voyages dans l’Asie Centrale et l’Extrême Orient. Ed. Ernest Leroux. Paris: Libraire de la Société Asiatique de Paris, de l’École des Languages Orientales Vivantes, 1878, pp. 259-355.

Rayfield, Donald. The Dream of Lhasa: The Life of Nikolay Przhevalsky (1839-88), Explorer of Central Asia. London: Elek Books, 1976. [Illustrated. Popular bio.]

Rialle, Girard de. Mémoire sur L'Asie Centrale: Son histoire, ses populations. 2nd. ed. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1875. [ILL from U of Oregon. Sarts: pp. 69-70, 99. Cites Vereschaguine (Le Tour du Monde) for Sarts, and an article in Russische Revue (1873, p. 129).]


Rickmers, W. Rickmer. The Duab of Turkestan: A Physiographic Sketch and Account of Some Travels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1913. [Biblio, index, photos, maps.]

Roosevelt, Theodore and Roosevelt, Kermit. East of the Sun and West of the Moon. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1925. [Index, no Samarkand, no Tashkent. East Turkestan and Tibet, mostly.]

Ross, Frank E., ed. Central Asia: Personal Narrative of General Josiah Harlan, 1823-1841. London: Luzacs & Company, 1939. [Afghanistan mostly, but one section on the peoples and customs. Index, illustr., map]

Schomberg, R. C. F. Peaks and Plains of Central Asia. Color photos by George Sherriff. Lahore: Al-Biruni, 1979. First published 1933. [Journey 1927-29. Maps, index.]

Schuyler, Eugene. Turkistan: Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Kokand, Bukhara and Kuldja. Vol. II. 3rd ed. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searles & Rivington, 1876. Also published, same title, edited Geoffrey Wheeler. Abridged by K. E. West. New York: Praeger, 1966. [Illustrated. This vol is about eastern ed, with some descriptions of expiditions. Map, also of eastern regions. Index.]

von Schweinitz, Hans-Hermann Graf. Orientalische Wanderungen in Turkjestan und im Nordöstlichen Persien. Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 1910.

Shah, Ikbal Ali. Westward to Mecca: A Journey of Adventure through Afghanistan, Bolshevik Asia, Persia, Iraq & Hijaz to the Cradle of Islam. London: H.F. & G. Witherby, 1928.

Skrine, Francis Henry and Ross, Edward Denison. The Heart of Asia: A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the Earliest Times. London: Methuen & Co., 1899.

Sokolov, Yu. A. "Bukhara, Samarkand, Kelif v 1813 g. (publikatsiya otrybka iz Puteshectviya Mir Izzet Ully v Crednyuyu Aziyu v 1812-1813 godax.) Trudy Sredneaziatskogo un-ta im. V.I. Lenina, Novaya Seriya, vyp. XS (?), 1957. [From L.S. Semenov, Rossiya i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya na Srednem Vostoke v 20-x godax XIX v., 1963, p. 66. Not checked.]

Stein, M.A. "A Journey of Geographical and Archæological Exploration in Chinese Turkestan." Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Year Ending June 30, 1903, pp. 747-775. [Illustrations and map. Tribal affiliations, turki speakers, archeological finds, linguistic references.]

Stein, Sir [Mark] Aurel. On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks. Brief Narrative of Three Expeditions in Innermost Asia and North-west China. London: Macmillan & Company, 1933. [Illustrated, photos. Index.]

Strong, Anna Louise. Red Star in Samarkand. London: Williams and Norgate Ltd., 1930. [no index, short ToC. Some photos, which focus on people, not buildings. Romantic, uncritical descriptions of the area. "Even the animals felt this magic." Gleck.]

_____. The Road to the Grey Pamir. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1931. [no index. photos. Published in connection with Atlantic Monthly.]

Sykes, Ella and Sykes, Percy. Through Deserts and Oases of Central Asia. London: Macmillan & Company, 1920. [Illustrated. index.]

Taylor, Bayard. Central Asia: Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet, and Central Asia. New York: Scribner, Armstrong and Company, 1874. [Illustrted. no index. ToC terse. map includes E. Turkestan & Afghanistan.]

de Ujfalvy de Mezö-Kövesd, Ch. E. Mélanges Altaïques. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie, 1874. [History. Author taught C.A. geography and history. Mostly about enthnography. Very short ToC, no index, short vocab w/ many languages.]

_____. Expédition scientifique française en Russie, en Sibérie et dans le Turkestan. Vol. II: Le Syr-Daria le Zérafchine. 5 vols. Paris: E. Leroux, 1879.

Vámbéry, Arminius. Travels in Central Asia, being an account of a Journey from Teheran across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarkand. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. Originally published London: John Murray, 1864. [Travel in 1863. Few illustrations, no map, no index.]


_____. Sketches of Central Asia. Additional Chapters on My Travels, Adventures and on the Ethnology of Central Asia. London: William H. Allen & Company, 1868.

_____. History of Bukhara: From the Earliest Period Down to the Present. 2nd ed. London: Henry S. King & Co., 1873.

Vámbéry, Ármin. Scenes from the East: Through the Eyes of a European Traveller in the 1860s. Trans. Enikö Körtvélyessy, trans. revised by Bertha Gaster. Budapest: Corvina Kiadó, 1979. Originally published as Keleti Életképek, Budapest: Athenaeum, 1876. [Illustrated. No index. Divided by subject, not region, for a popular audience.]

Whittell, Giles. Extreme Continental: Blowing Hot and Cold Through Central Asia. London: Victor Gollanez, 1995. [Author also wrote a popular travel handbook of C.A. Map, no Toc, no index. Publication problems make grad’s copy (1/96) close to impossible to read; I returned it and told them to send it back. No biblio, but quotes endlessly from late 19th century travellers (Curzon, Graham).]

Willfort, Fritz. Turkestanisches Tagebuch: Sechs Jahre in Russisch-Zentralasien. Wein: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1930.

Wilson, Helen Calista and Mitchell, Elsie Reed. Vagabonding at Fifty: From Siberia to Turkestan. London: Hutchinson & Company, n.d. [1929]. [pix, small map, no index.]

Wolff, Joseph. Researches and Missionary Labors Among the Jews, Mohammadans and Other Sects. 2nd ed. London: James Nisbet & Company, 1835. [No index, no ToC. Written in diary style. Very interesting for description of what people believed. Missionary stuff is tedious, though. Sufis.]

_____. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara in the Years 1843-1845, to Ascertain the Fate of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1845.

Wood, John (Capt.). A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. New edition, edited by "his son". London: John Murray, 1872. [Trip made in 1830's. More about Afghanistan than Central Asia. 280 pp. Lots of maps, no index. Some footnotes. Chaps 12-14, 20, 23, 24 have some stuff on Uzbekistan.]