

  1. Not what one must believe but what may one think.
  2. I don't interpret, I just read!
  3. Whose Bible is this anyway?
  4. In the beginning .... (or, When God began creating ....)
  5. Of Adam and Eve, of Ish and Ishah.
  6. The subtle serpent.
  7. Of alienation, violence and difference.
  8. The Wanderer and the City Builder.
  9. The imaginings of the heart and the wandering of desire.
  10. Chaos is come again.
  11. The colors of the sky, remember. A. Making Covenant, Cutting Covenant.
  12. Resonant Stories: Reading Across the Text.
  13. The Hands at the Door.
  14. The Families and the Languages.
  15. The Accursed Tower: Going It Alone.
  16. And God Said Go and the Old Man Went.
  17. The Waiting Is Long.
  18. A Line and a Land: Cutting Covenant.
  19. Of Human Ingenuity and History.
  20. The Laughter and the Child.
  21. Shall Not The Judge of All The Earth Do Right?
  22. Take now your son, your only son, laughter, the one that you love.
  23. The Cave of Memory.
  24. The Represented Lives of Women.
  25. To Preserve Life: The Possibilities and Perils of Assimilation.
  26. And they embalmed him and he was laid in a coffin in Egypt.
  27. The Slave Revolt: Moses the Striker.
  28. Because of Their Broken Spirit and Cruel Bondage.
  29. Hardening the Hearts: For the Sake of the Story.
  30. The Meeting at Sinai: I have brought you here on eagle's wings.
    Kingdom of Priests, Holy Nation
    The Prophet, the General, and the Priest
  31. The Prophet and the Priest
  32. The Alter of Earth and the Tabernacle of Glory and Beauty.
  33. It is not in your going with us; the cloud which goes before.
  34. The Fat and the Incense: All Fat is Adoshem's.
  35. Love the Stranger as Yourself.
  36. The Three-Fold If and the Song in the Heart.
  37. Dissension, Defeatism, and Death in the Wilderness.
  38. Into the Land: Rolling Away of Memory, or Rolling Away the Same of Slavery.
  39. The Complete and the Incomplete Conquest: Why?
  40. And there was no king in Israel: The Problem of Rule.
  41. From Dan to Bersheva: Judging the People
  42. The Man Taller by a Head: And there was a king in Israel.
  43. All Israel and Judah loved David
  44. I will make you a house
  45. Lust on a rooftop
  46. In the sight of this sun; rooftop once more
  47. Shimei's curse
  48. A father to his son; the king knew her not
  49. The consecration of the house
  50. Division of the kingdom; to your tents, oh Israel
  51. Behold your gods, oh Israel
  52. The one formerly called a seer (ro'eh) now called a prophet (nabi)
  53. Call him louder; the contest on Carmel
  54. The once and future prophet
  55. Why do you grind the face of my poor; the prophets and social justice
  56. The Alter and the garments; the dust and houses of hewn stone
  57. Mahershalalhashbaz and Shearyashub
  58. The sign of Emanuel
  59. Men kiss calves: the diatribe against idols
  60. We're Going Home. Why double for all our sins; the suffering servant
  61. Why do you wish the day of Adoshem?
  62. And in those days came John the Baptist
  63. The Messianic secret in Mark; shhh, don't tell, tell.
  64. Who killed Jesus of Nazareth?
  65. Where is Jesus of Nazareth?
  66. To the Jews first and also to the Greeks.
  67. Apocalypse when: Hatikvah, the hope; even so, come.