
ePaper provides an all-LED based interactive tablet. We figured this could be a cheap way of say having
big interactive screens at public places. This prototype obviously suffers from poor resolution due to the LED
arrays available to us, but in principle with flexible OLED panels that can now be fabricated, this device truly
has the potential to live up its name - epaper.

Here we demonstrate how easy it is to draw images on our epaper:

By pressing a switch, it is also possible to toggle into an erase mode in which the user will be able to
erase using the stylus:

We designed the hardware and software in a way that allows us to add LED panels on the boards
shown below in a plug-n-play manner. This means we can make our tabloid as big as possible. Our
control board has three switches: Page Up, Page Down, Erase/Write. By pressing the Page Down button, a
user can store what he has written/drawn into a non-volatile memory and come up with a fresh page.
The Page Up and Down buttons can also be used to scroll through the saved pages in memory.

Modular boardControl Board

If the user wishes, he can connect this device to a computer and download all the saved pages in the
memory. Heres a snapshot of our computer program written in Java that uploads the pages:
