24: Book of the Dead II

Gates and their guardians: chapters 147 and 146

Chapter 18
Praising of Osiris, lord of Rosetjau

Ani & Tutu, priests, gates, judges

Role of Thoth
Explanations/exegesis like ch. 17

More judges. (groups of councils of judges)

Thoth and judgment; legal context

Still more judges

Opening of the mouth

Heart scarab spell (again)

Protecting the ba, Giving breath, Protecting the heart

Air & water, not dying, not decaying

Not perishing, not going to gods' slaughterhouse

Not being taken to the east (threats against gods)

Not being decapitated

Letting soul rejoin body
Freedom of movement

Opening the tomb

Coming forth by day

Opening the west

Turning around to see house, killing enemies (snake // Apophis)

Praising sun god ("bark" = fancy boat of god)

Hymn to Osiris: "Hail to you!"