You should choose a paper and presentation topic based on our discussions and guidance in seminar; we are being flexible on the issue of topics, but it needs to have some connection to the overall course topic of gender in ancient Egypt.  The basic point of the assignment is to take what we’ve learned so far and apply it to our topics. 

The timeline for the assignment doesn’t really permit this to become a full-blown research paper (in the sense of finding all of the references relevant to a topic).  The best kinds of papers to do are papers that oncentrate on a few sources, primary or secondary, and apply the knowledge and approaches we’ve discussed and read about in the first part of the semester.  Obviously, things will vary from topic to topic, but again I am not envisioning a wide-ranging research paper. You should cite references to the textbooks and other sources when needed, but there is no need to compile a bibliography of sources you do not actually use..  Feel free to be creative, but you MUST address the questions and issues in terms of the course.  I am especially interested in seeing you relate your topics to our earlier class readings and discussions. 

•Papers should be 5-10 pages long—and I do need hard copy, typed or computer-printed.  No handwritten papers and especially NO email attachments will be accepted  Although this isn’t a research paper, I do expect you to document the sources that you might use (such as any of the textbooks for the course) as outlined above.
•Feel free to talk to me about ideas/problems with this assignment.  Also, of course, feel free to talk to your classmates: but remember that each assignment needs to be your own work and will be graded on its individual merits.

•You will need to make a presentation about your topic in class.  This does not have to be a lengthy or elaborate presentation and will not be timed, but you will need to tell us what you are writing about and how you have approached your topic.  Presentations will be on April 17, but can also be on April 10, if you want guidance.  We’ll talk more about specifics in class.

•Papers are due at the beginning of our last class session, April 17.  We will have presentations on that day as well, although you can choose to do presentations on April 10 instead of or in addition to.



• Your audience is me, the professor of the course.  So it is not necessary to spend time telling me about ancient Egypt, Deir el Medina, etc.  We assume the base of knowledge is what has been read and discussed in class.  You should of course introduce the topic you are writing about, but this should not take up more than a paragraph.

• The paper assignment is designed to show me what you know and what you've learned from the course.  I've read Meskell, Robins, etc. and already know what they say: I now want to know what you have to say. Quotes or paraphrases from the textbook authors or other sources should be cited, but should also be kept to a minimum.  I especially do not want to see generalities in the form of dictionary or encyclopedia entries quoted. 

• The 5-10 page limit is a gift to you: don't abuse it!  This should be 5-10 pages of substance, not fluff or filler.  I deliberately don't specify double or single-spaced, but again don't abuse this: if you're handing me a 5 page double-spaced paper, it had better be absolutely brilliant.

• Any paper beginning "The ancient Egyptians/Deir el Medina/gender/etc. is/are interesting because..." will automatically receive a failing grade.  I know they're interesting, and am tired of getting papers that begin like this.  This is fluff and filler of the worst kind.

• The canonical structure for such papers is:
-Introduction (including a thesis statement)
-Body (including 2-3 major points about the topic)
Successful writers can only violate the rules that they know; only if you are experienced and comfortable writing in the abovementioned format can you go beyond it, but otherwise it is necessary to stick with the traditional format.

• The dictionary and grammar are your friends: I don't count points for individual mistakes, but poorly-spelled and/or ungrammatical papers do not get good grades in my classes.

• If you don't know precisely what a word means, look it up in a dictionary before you use it, or don't use it.  Clear and simple writing done well is preferable to complex writing done poorly.

• In brief writing like this, each word is significant, each sentence is significant.  Again, there is no room for filler.

• Finally, do NOT hand in your paper before you have printed it out, re-read it, edited it, and printed it again; so factor in the necessary time for doing so.  You (and your GPA) and I will be much happier when you have done so!