Assignment #2: Background and Significance

Psychology 331: Labs in Biopsych
Due: 3pm Tuesday, February 9 in Prof. Polk's mailbox (4035 East Hall)
This assignment counts 10% of your total grade

Please turn in ~3 pages of text + an arbitrary number of references (double-spaced, 12 point Times font, 1 inch margins on all sides) sketching the background leading up to your project, critically evaluating existing knowledge, and specifically identifying gaps which your project is intended to fill. The idea here is to place your project in the context of previous work. Before you start you should do two things: (1) read over all the abstracts you collected in your literature search again to get an overview of the field and then (2) read 4 or 5 of the most relevant previous papers quite carefully and make sure you understand them. Be sure to give complete references to all the previous research you cite (in APA format). Grading will be based on the quality of the literature review (Is the summary of previous work representative of the field? We will look over the abstracts you collected to evaluate this) and how well you place your project in the context of previous work (Is the relationship between your project and previous work clear?). Writing style will be explicitly considered in assigning grades so write clearly, directly and grammatically.

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