Mentoring, Gender and Technology
Tiffany Marra (tmarra), Monica Sheftel (msheftel), Rebecca Rueble (rrueble)
Psychology 485 / Women’s Studies 485
Winter 2007


Introduction | Topic, Readings, and Assignments by Week | Guidelines | CTools | Lab Hours--TBD
This course provides students with supervised opportunities to integrate theory and practice by combining readings about mentoring adolescent girls and the digital divide with online interactions on, a website designed for adolescent girls. Selected students will have the opportunity to serve as mentors on the site.

This course meets for 2 hours each week with three main goals: to discuss readings; to discuss interactions on; and to develop the technical skills of participants in the course, so that they can effectively design an online intervention for adolescent girls.

Grades are assigned based on completion of the following assignments:
Assignment Percentage of grade
Lab Participation is a key component to this course. Lab hours can be accumulated in four ways, through attendance to set classroom lab times, working for an organization that assists adolescent girls (must be approved), completion of required assignments, and completion of additional optional assignments. A total of 60 hours needs to be completed by the end of the semester. Grades for lab participation will be determined based on quality of work and completion of the total required hours. The last day to accumulate lab hours will be April 20, 2007 at 5pm. 35%
Classroom Participation is expected during course discussions, including having completed assignments and readings on time. 10%
Survey questions are due electronically (in the discussion section of Ctools) by February 9, 5 pm. 5%
5-7 page research paper are due electronically (in the discussion section of Ctools) by March 16, 2007 5 pm. 20%
Final Presentations of your project ideas will be presented during the last day of class. 7%
Final Projects are due by April 20, 2007 at 5pm. 23%

Students are expected to follow the UM honor code.