Illuminati: New World Order

Solitaire Game

We here at the Journal office love SJGames' new collectable card game Illuminati: New World Order, but since it can sometimes be hard to find another person to play against (we are quite busy around here) we developed this variation of the game which allows you to play it as solitaire. It is not terribly easy; with our cards around here we only win about 25% of the time, but your milage may var y. A game takes about 20 minutes or so to play. The rules may appear to be quite complex, but believe us, they are a lot easier than the normal INWO rules (which one Journal staffer has compared to "Dragon Poker"). Unless otherwi se stated, all regular rules for Illuminati: New World Order are in effect throughout the game.

(Just for fun, we've also put together a bunch of new groups for INWO, which you may wish to take a peek at.)


  1. Take all of your unused cards, i.e. those not in any already made up deck (you can also use a starter deck, if you so desire). Divide them into three decks: Illuminati cards; Plot cards; and Group and Resource cards (i.e. the red puppet backed cards). Shuffle all three decks.

  2. Take the top card from your Illuminati deck. This is your Illuminati for the game. Set aside the rest of the Illuminati cards; they will not be used for the remainder of the game.

  3. Take the top card from your Group and Resource deck. If this card is a group, add it to your power structure. This is the only free group you'll get for the entire game, so hope that it's a good one! If the card is a resource, set it aside and take th e next card, until you turn up a group.

  4. Deal off the next fifteen cards from your Group and Resource deck. This is your Target deck, which will be used in play. Set aside the rest of the Group and Resource cards; they will not be used for the remainder of the game.

  5. Take the top card from your Plot deck. If this card is a goal card, place it to the side of the playing area; this card can serve as an alternate goal for your victory conditions. If it is a New World Order card, place it to the side of the playing ar ea; it is in effect at the start of the game. If it is any other card that is not a disaster or an assassination card, set it in front of you as the start of your hand for the game. If it is a disaster or an assassination card, discard it; you get no card for your hand at the start of the game. Life is unfair.

  6. Deal off the next fifteen cards from the Plot deck. This is your Plot deck to be used in the game. Set aside the rest of the Plot cards; they will not be used for the remainder of the game.

  7. You are now ready to proceed with play.

The Play

  1. Add action tokens. You may add two actions: one to your Illuminati, and one to any other group in your power structure, or any resource you have that requires action tokens.

  2. Turn over the top card from your Plot and Target decks. Although you turn over the cards at the same time, the action/result from the Plot deck occurs first.

  3. Use the Plot card you turned over according to the following:

  4. Use the card from your Target deck according to the following:

  5. Move action tokens. Any action tokens that are still remaining may be moved from a group in your power structure to its master or any of its puppets. If your Illuminati still has its action token, it may be moved to any group in your power structure.< p>
  6. Trade in Plot cards for action tokens. You may discard any plot card in your hand in exchange for one action token, which you place place on any group in your power structure.

  7. Go on to your next turn by moving back to step 1 above. If you are out of cards in your Target deck, and you have not met any of your victory conditions (see below), time has run out and you lose!


You may acheive victory by doing any of the following:

If you fail to acheive any of these victory conditions by the time you run out of cards in your Target deck, you lose! Reshuffle all your cards and start the game over.
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