My Quilting - Projects

Here's a photo of whole cloth white quilt. The pattern is "Welsh Beauty". It is all hand quilted. I started this in January of 2001, stopped for the Spring/Summer (to garden) and started again in December of that year. Finished the quilting by the middle of March, 2002. Just about six months worth of quilting before and after work, and every weekend when I could spare a little time. It was a great project for working on in the winter! More Photos of the Welsh Beauty.
This was my first quilt. A Grandmother's Fan Quilt, which in these photos is "in progress". October - December, 2000
01/24/00 - Completed! Machine pieced and hand quilted, Grandmother's Fan.
01/01/2001- My second project for 2000, completed this quilt for my son, Jason who's 24 and didn't want anything except "black". I wanted to try out "machine quilting" and finished this quilt in about three days. The "quilting" is simple vertical "lines" about an inch or so apart. I was test-driving my new walking foot for the first time and the "guide" really helped, but I did have to use masking tape when the quilt got too big to comfortably fit under the "arm" of the sewing machine. It was quite heavy to work with, but I managed with lots of breaks to get it done! It went a lot faster than the three months for hand-quilting the grandmothers fan quilt!

Here's a close up of one of the nine-patch squares. The dark red material is not cotton, it's a heavyweight fabric of some synthetic type ...something that you could make a suit out of...with tiny grey pinstripes.

Here's a shot of the label. I chose this style because Jason loves cats and has several at his apartment. Too bad the ink smeared, any advice on what to do about that? Anyone know of a good non-smearing pen to use to write on those labels with? The backing is a maroon heavy flannel. Very masculine I thought.

January 16, 2000 Here's the first block for my grandson, Justin's quilt. I've just figured out that I'll need to make 48 blocks to get this quilt to be twin sized with "clouds" between the graphic interior block. Hope it turns out cute! Here's Justins Quilt on Christmas Day...all finished!
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