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JANUARY 17, 1997

April 24-26, 1997
The Fairmont Hotel
San Jose, California, USA

All SCUP members in the Pacific and Midcontinent regions will be mailed printed information about the Call for Proposals. If you are not a SCUP member in one of those regions and wish to be faxed that information, contact the SCUP Central Office. Be sure to provide your fax number if you send or leave a message:

(313) 998-6966
(313) 998-6532

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The Pacific Region of the Society for College and University Planning is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for its 1997 regional conference.

In order to facilitate your answering this Call for Proposals, all the pertinent information except the Proposal Cover Sheet is on this page. If you print this page and the Proposal Cover Sheet, you will have all of the information you need to respond to the Call.

Technology is transforming higher education: offering us exciting new tools, challenging traditional roles and practices, placing new demands on budgets and other resources, and -- most importantly -- altering the way we think, learn, communicate, and do our daily work. The use and impact of technology has become one of the most critical issues for college and university planning.
XXXX Silicon Valley is the heart of the revolution in information technology, and it is fitting that the 1997 Pacific Regional Conference will be held in San Jose, the "Heart of Silicon Valley." The conference will feature a preconference workshop led by Brian Nedwek, president of SCUP; invited presentations; concurrent paper sessions; a current projects session; and a field trip to the newest California State University campus, CSU-Monterey Bay.
XXXX The conference planning committee invites proposals for presentations that, from a planning perspective, address any aspect of the theme of "Transforming Higher Education Through Technology." Proposals must follow the guidelines presented below and must be postmarked no later than January 17, 1997.
XXXX Examples of possible presentation themes or topics include:

  • Technology trends that have not yet, but will, affect higher education
  • Impact (current or potential) of technology on:
    + the role of higher education in society
    + institutional missions
    + organizational structure
    + faculty roles and responsibilities
    + curriculum, pedagogy, or scholarship
    + student learning styles
    + instructional and service delivery systems
  • Specific uses of technology to:
    + improve teaching
    + enhance learning
    + support research and scholarly activity
    + strengthen higher education management
    + increase productivity or efficiency
    + serve new or different constituencies
  • Uses of the Internet and of campus intranets
  • Distance education through technology:
    + Current trends in distance education
    + Results of distance education
    + Planning for Western Governors University
    + Planning for California alternative to
    + Western Governors University
  • Planning for technology
    + Questions and issues planners must address
    + Methods that have worked
    + Pitfalls to avoid
  • Evaluation of technology
    + Outcomes assessment and performance indicators relating to technology
    + Accreditation standards and trends relating to technology
  • Technology and facilities planning
  • Technology tools available to planners
XXXXIn addition to presentations dealing specifically with technology, the conference committee (in the spirit of Silicon Valley) will also consider proposals dealing with the theme of entrepreneurship in higher education. For example:
  • Does a rapidly changing environment require more entrepreneurial skills on the part of higher education institutions and professionals?
  • If so, what specific entrepreneurial skills need to be developed?
  • How can colleges and universities acquire and foster these entrepreneurial skills?
  • What are the dangers of increasing entrepreneurialism in higher education and how can they be controlled or avoided?


The Current Projects Session will allow a number of participants to make five-minute presentations using 7-10 slides on one recently designed or constructed project in a college or university setting. There is a limit of one project per firm or institution.
XXXXProposals for the Current Projects Session should follow the PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS which are detailed later in this file.


Proposals for Concurrent Session presentations are invited in the following formats:

    PAPERS. These present research results, planning processes, conceptual analyses, or case studies.
    DEMONSTRATIONS. These present the application of useful tools for research, decision making, or analysis.
    PANELS. These allow several individuals to compare and contrast perspectives on planning experiences.
    ROUNDTABLES. These are participative sessions in which the group as a whole interacts.

Presenters are strongly encouraged to model the effective use of audiovisual or multimedia technology, such as multimedia, in their presentations.
XXXXProposals for Concurrent Sessions should follow the PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS.


All proposals should use the cover sheet below or obtain a faxed copy from the SCUP Central Office: voice (313) 998-7832, fax (313) 998-6532, or email
XXXXProposals for Concurrent Sessions should, in addition, include a proposal not to exceed four pages that describes your presentation in more detail.
XXXX Please type your proposal double-spaced in 12 point type on letter size paper.
XXXX Mail four sets of the cover page and proposal by first class mail, POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 17, 1997, to:

Karen Merritt
Director of Academic Planning and Program Review
University of California System
300 Lakeside Drive/18th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612-3550
Voice (510) 987-9468
Fax (510) 987-9447

Don't forget to complete, sign, and include the Proposal Cover Sheet with your proposal.