or Sara's Homepage's directory

Here's the obligatory directory. Pretty sparse, really. But I'm working on it.
Get off my back already! Sheesh!

HOME Pretty self explanatory. This is the index page.
Word o' The Week Archive This is where I keep all of the past Words o' The Week. In an easily navigable, alphabetical format.

LINKS Scads of links. Bushels o' links. Links up the wazoo!!

SCRAPBOOK This organizes all the photos on the site.
Nature Photos Nature photos I've taken.
Lake Michigan Sunsets Sunsets over Lake Michigan (at Wilderness State Park) taken June 2000.
Summer Vacation 2000 Organizes all the photos from my summer vacation up at Wilderness State Park, June 2000.
Vacation People The people photos from that June 2000 vacation.
Vacation Places The place photos from that June 2000 vacation.
Vacation Things The thing photos from that June 2000 vacation.
Events and Random Photos Photos that didn't fit anywhere else!
Family Photos Photos of family members, including pets.
Cooper Photos Photos of Cooper and his friends.
Friend Photos Photos of my friends.
Knitting Photos Photos of completed knitting projects.

RAMBLINGS This is where I organize my writings. Pretty sparse.
Poetry My poetry. (WARNING: Depressing material, not for the faint of heart or terminally chipper.)
Ponderings - This link is not yet up and running.

COOPER A page dedicated to Cooper.

Please, take me: