Sillman: Ozone, mercury and OBMs - index

Tropospheric ozone, precursors and observation-based methods (OBMs)

Dr. Sanford (Sandy) Sillman

Research Scientist

University of Michigan

Notice: As of July, 2012 I am am bringing most of my work activities to a close. I will be transitioning to full time leave due to a chronic medical condition (multiple sclerosis). However, I hope to remain active in those areas of research in which I have special expertise - tropospheric ozone and mercury, especially in polluted regions. I hope to continue to be a resource in these fields, and for atmospheric science in general. See here for more details.

"This most excellent canopy, the air, look you,
This brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof
Fretted with golden fire, why it appears no other thing
To me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors"

-William Shakespeare

This site contains the following:

1. Overview of tropospheric ozone and ozone-precursor sensitivity.

2. Observation-based methods (OBMs) for analyzing urban/regional ozone.

3. Publications available for download.

3a. Photochemical mechanisms used in publications

4. Summary of research activities.

5. Corrections to CMAQ 4.7.1 and MCIP 3.4 (November 2010)

6. Contact and personal information/ Return to AOSS Faculty page

7. Direct access to research files.

Related links:

Research in the Department of Atmospheric Oceanic and Space Sci., University of Michigan.

Current ozone in Michigan and Current ozone in U.S.

NARSTO: North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (includes recent research summaries of ozone and particulates).

Southern Oxidants Study: Links to extensive research on ozone and particulates in the southern U.S.

Limitation of Oxidant Production (LOOP) : Research program in Switzerland and northern Italy. :

American Lung Association: Air quality and ozone and health and particulates and health

Other links: environmental education and health effects.