A Hypothetical Schedule for a Telephone Survey  (conducted by a group)
from questionnaire design through public presentation of data in 15 weeks

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15

1  Select Teams (All)
     2 Select topics, set strategy for questionnaire design and sampling (Q, S, All)
         3  Analysis Review of Questionnaire   (Q,A)
     2           4  Develop Draft of Questionnaire (Q)
                4       5  Coding and Formatting of Draft (FC)
                       5  Present Draft of Questionnaire and Sampling Plan to group (FC,S)
                       5      6  Revision of Draft Questionnaire (FC)
                             6      7  Pretest of Draft Questionnaire (PT)
                                   7      8  Final Revision of Questionnaire and Sampling Plan (FC,S)
                                         8  Questionnaire in Final Form and Copied (FC)
                                             Sample Selected;
                                             Hand out Questionnaires  Interviewing Instructions  (S)
                                         8           10   Interviews Conducted (All);
                                                          Sample Administration (S)
                                                    10     11  Recording and Cleaning the Data (A)
                                                                  Planning the Analysis (A)
                                                           11          13  Data Analysis (A)
                                                                12  Review of Preliminary Findings (A,PR)
                                                                      13  Group Review of Analysis (A, All)
                                                                               14  Group Plans the
                                                                                   Presentation(PR, All)
                                                           11                   14  Prepare Presentation (PR)
                                                                                  15  Public Presentation
                                                                                       of Results (PR)
Four stages:
1.  Questionnaire Preparation
2.  Interviews
3.  Data Input and Analysis
4.  Presentation
Six Teams
Q      Questionnaire Construction
FC      Formatting and Coding)
S      Sampling
PT      Pretest
A      Analysis
PR      Presentation


Notes:   1.   For a mail survey or an in-person survey, you may need to adjust the time allowed for pretest and the return/completion of the questionnaires.
2. The designation of "teams" is simply to distinquish between different tasks;  individuals may work on more than one team.