UP504 • Web Page Design


Dates: Feb 14, 19 (LAB)

last updated: Tuesday, January 9, 2007

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We will spend this week learning how to create simple web pages. We will also examine the basics of your ifs space on the UM server:



The primary resource starting point is this web page: how to create basic web pages

see also these pages:
UM Knowledge Navigation Center > How-to > Wed Design
Web Style Guide (2nd edition)
U-M Web Services
HTML Tutorial

also, from other universities:
U. Washington site: "save an excel 2000 chart or graph as a web graphic"
Colby College: Dreamweaver: Importing Data and Charts/Graphs from Excel

[note: more links on the "how to create web pages" site]


Software used

We will use Macromedia's Dreamweaver -- it is a powerful program, and is supported by the campus computer sites (and used to create these course pages). However, there are numerous web authoring programs, and you may use another if you choose.



You will use these web page skills to create web pages of your data table and graphs for Assignment 2.


Background Reading on the Internet, etc.

Internet Society: Internet History

Internet Valley: History of Internet and www

Hobbes' Internet Timeline v7.0

PBS Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet

Living Internet