Schedule for Implementation - Plan for Technology Implementation
Montague Area Public Schools

Schedule for Implementation

In order to develop the recommendations of this plan to the most efficient degree, it is important to recognize the inter-relatedness of the recommendations and their connections to further actions. Many of the actions to be taken require simultaneous or prior actions in order to be most effective in achieving the goals established by the technology committee and the district. This dependence of recommendations forces the district to develop a schedule for implementation of recommendations in order that a proper sequence of actions can occur for optimal decision-making and action taking.

The following schedule was developed in order to recognize the connections between various recommendations. This schedule suggests various actions to be taken over the course of the 1995-96 and 1996-97 school years, as well as actions to be taken following these periods in order to ensure that this plan meets the goals of the district as policies, personnel, and technologies change.

The schedule is set up in the following manner: Recommendations are listed by code letter and number, corresponding to the section and recommendation number of the recommendation as it appears in this plan. A brief description of the action to be taken is then listed, followed by a recommended decision date and implementation date. Finally, other recommendations for which the main recommendation are dependent or co-dependent upon are listed by code number in parenthesis. All of these recommendations are grouped by date (season and year).

Summer 1995

Adoption of Plan for Technology Implementation.

B-9 Part-time technical assistance for labs and teachers. Decision and implementation by October 95. (C-2)

C-2 Funding for technology leadership. Included in 1995-96 budget. See also B-3 and D-1.

Fall 1995

A-1 Re-evaluate copyright policy. Decision and implementation to occur over 1995-96 school year. Ongoing evaluation to occur.

B-1 In-service training. Begin process for developing in-service workshop for Winter 1996. Continue development of workshops for each semester of 1996-97 school year. Evaluate each semester. (B-3, B-4, C-2, E-3, F-1, G-1)

B-3 Information repository person at each school. Decide on personnel and duties by October for immediate implementation. Eliminate/Modify upon acquisition of technology coordinator. (B-1, B-4, C-2, E-3, F-1, G-1)

B-4 Education journal acquisition. Begin subscriptions during fall. Process through "information repository" (B-3). Evaluate each year.

B-5 Encourage on-line information use. May be done through teacher in-service (B-1) or community education (B-6). Evaluate method each year. (E-1, E-2)

B-6 Training of teachers via community educ. courses. Continue policy. (B-5)

B-7 Develop application process for funding of technology workshops. Have information repository personnel (B-3) or sub-committee of tech. committee (C-1) develop process and communication method. Evaluate/Modify policy for on-going use. (B-3, C-1)

C-1 Develop specialized sub-committees of technology committee for district. Develop at first meeting of 1995-96 school year. Evaluate/Modify policy and personnel each semester. Recommendations E-1 and G-1 are included in this recommendation.

D-3 Develop hardware and facilities plans for technology laboratories. Begin planning process and information collection for funding proposal to Board of Education. Continue plan development and implementation over course of 1995-96 and 1996-97 school years. The N.B.C. school should have an operation laboratory by Fall 1996, with a unique facility specially designed for the school by Fall 1997. Evaluation of plans should occur quarterly. (C-2, D-1, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, E-5, E-6, F-2, F-5, G-2)

D-5 Decide on operating system environment for each building. Decisions should be made prior to any further hardware purchase. Evaluate/Modify each year as system environments become standardized. (D-3, E-5, G-2)

D-6 Examine lease/purchasing options for hardware. Decision should be made following D-5, and evaluated for each major hardware purchase. (D-3, D-5)

D-8 Examine upgrade options. Decision should be made prior to each major hardware acquisition. (D-6, D-2)

E-2 Subscribe to on-line services. Evaluate periodically, and make decisions regarding services to keep each semester. (B-1, B-5, E-1)

E-3 Information and training for teachers in use and classroom application of on-line services. See B-1, B-3, and B-4.

E-4 Student code for on-line services use. To be determined by on-line sub-committee of tech. committee for late-fall implementation. Communicate to faculty by memo and in-service in winter. Evaluate/Modify each semester. (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, B-3, C-1, F-4)

E-5 Determine type of communications technology to be used. Examine ISDN line/modem/future technology option by late fall and implement during 1995-96 school year if ISDN line is to be used. If not, re-evaluate decision at beginning of each school year as new technologies become available. (D-3, D-7, E-2, E-3, G-2, G-4)

E-6 Acquisition of presentation technologies. Begin evaluation of products. Limit purchases per year of this technology. Evaluate product/collect new information prior to each purchase. (D-3, E-2, E-5)

F-1 Distribute content standards and benchmarks to all faculty. Distribute following adoption by State of Michigan. Redistribute during curriculum revision/evaluation process. (B-1, F-4, C-3)

F-2 Decision on technology skills courses. Begin process of curricular redevelopment and grade level distribution of courses. Decision should be made by late spring of 1996 for scheduling and hardware acquisition for 1996-97 school year. Evaluate each semester for yearly modification. (D-3, F-1, F-4, E-4)

F-4 Revision of technology curriculum content standards and technology related connections of other curricula. Begin process in fall for implementation in 1996-97 school year. Re-evaluate during following year for modification of standards every two years. (B-1, F-1, F-2, D-3, E-4, G-1, G-2, C-3)

G-1 See C-1.

G-2 Examine site license/network options for software acquisition. Examine continually for large scale purchases, and work with teachers prior to developing each teachers budget priorities for the following year. (G-1, D-3)

G-4 Copyright policy enforcement. Continual examination of policy and enforcement during equipment inventory (D-2). (A-1, A-2, A-3)

Winter 1996

A-2 Development of student and faculty copyright manual. Evaluate each school year. First manual should be completed by start of 1996-97 school year. (A-1, A-3, G-4)

A-3 Inclusion of copyright issues in curriculum. Include in curriculum development process (F-4). (A-1, A-2)

C-3 Technology coordinator position (see also B-8, D-1, F-3, G-3). Begin to develop criteria and responsibilities for such a position. Determine if funding is available for position in 1996-97 school year. If not, continue criteria development process in Fall 1996, for posting of position in Winter 1997. Evaluate personnel and position after one and two years in place. (All recommendations with actions to be taken during 1996-97 and beyond are related to this position).

F-5 Facilities development/hardware acquisition. See D-3. (D-3, D-4, E-5, F-4)

Spring/Summer 1996

B-2 Funding for in-service presenters. Examine community support and inter-district in-service options for in-services during 1996-97 school year. Evaluate and report progress to funding sources each year. (B-1)

D-2 Hardware/software inventory. Begin inventory prior to purchases or redistribution of hardware. Append each semester. Evaluate process each year. (D-3, D-4)

D-4 Redistribute old hardware. Carry out each year following inventory and curricular assessment. (D-2, F-2, F-4)

E-7 Examine possibility of community Internet node. Begin communication/ information retrieval process for decision during 1996-97 school year. Evaluate decision yearly. (E-1, E-2, E-5)

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