Philosophy 152 Philosophy of Human Nature Darwall Fall 1996 FIRST PAPER ASSIGNMENT Write a 750 to 1250 word essay on one of the following topics (or on some other topic that you clear with me in advance). 1. Critically analyze and evaluate Plato's arguments that the soul has three parts: appetites, reason, and spirit. What does this claim mean, exactly? And how does Plato argue for it? Are his arguments successful, etc.? 2. Critically analyze and evaluate Aristotle's arguments that the chief good for human beings involves excellence in distinctively human activities. What does this claim amount to? How does Aristotle argue for it? Are his arguments successful, etc. Bear in mind that the virtues of a philosophy paper are clarity, depth of analysis and critical questioning, judicious consideration of arguments, and logical organization. Be sensitive to such questions as: Are my claims clear? Are my arguments clear? Am I being fair to opposing views and adequately appreciative of what might be said in response to my claims and arguments? Also, when you make claims about a philosopher we have read, make sure that you support your interpretation with specific references to the text. Also, academic integrity requires that you clearly acknowledge and reference ideas you have derived from others. Especially when you take a specific formulation of a point from a text, it is necessary to make that clear with quotation. YOUR PAPERS ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2.