I Like To Watch You Caulk
Words: Steve Macdonald and Steve Simmons
Melody: Mike Longcor

With a strong beat, bluesy feel

You're the sexy kind of he-man I've been looking for for years,
With a belly like a washboard but a gap between your ears.
You got hammers in your tool belt, a paste gun in your hands,
And an IQ that is challenged by a box of Raisin Bran.
But I like to watch you caulk. I like to watch you caulk.
I know you're just an object, I know you're just a toy,
But the expert way you use your tools just fills me up with joy.
I like to watch you caulk. I just like to watch you caulk.
I like to watch you caulk. I like to watch you!

Your intellect is stunted. Your mind is sharp as lead.
But when you crank the handles down I go out of my head.
And though you're just an object I just can't let you pass
So won't you please lay down that bead and let me see your - back
'Cause I like to watch you caulk. I just like to watch you caulk.
I know you're independent. The contract says so here.
But when you bend down to caulk I get this buzzing in my ears.
I like to watch you caulk. Whoo! I like to watch you caulk.
I like to watch you caulk. I like to watch you!

I really shouldn't do this. You're really much too dim.
But I've got this thing for carpentry, and lines so straight and slim.
Now that I've seen you caulking with buns so thin and tight
I've got a job for you - if you need overtime tonight.
'Cause I like to watch you caulk. I like to watch you caulk.
Oh won't you please bend over and lay another bead?
It's really not required, but it's just the thing I need.
I like to watch you caulk. I like to watch you caulk.
I like to watch you caulk. I like to watch you!

We do not include the chords here because Mike holds the copyright. Besides, it's funnier if you buy yourself a copy of Walking The Wilderness and hear the original, too. That and Mikes other stuff is available from Firebird Arts and Music.

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