David Schwein

my photo

[This page is no longer maintained. Please see my current website.]

Hello and welcome! I am a Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, working with Jessica Fintzen. In July I finished my PhD at the University of Michigan; my advisor was Tasho Kaletha. Before coming to Michigan, I went to college at Brown University.

My research focuses on real and p-adic reductive groups, their representation theory, and connections to the Langlands program. I have recently been studying the Plancherel measure and the Galois representations whose local factors are conjectured to express it. Outside of this research program, I am pretty open-minded mathematically and enjoy hearing what other people are working on.

For the non-specialists: this beautiful picture, drawn by Tetsushi Ito, gives a good sense of the research program in my field. (Thanks to Jialiang Zou for bringing it to my attention!)


Orthogonal root numbers of tempered parameters

Formal degree of regular supercuspidals


Recent progress on the formal degree conjecture University of Arizona Number Theory Seminar, August 2021

Langlands, Weil, and local class field theory, Rutgers Graduate Number Theory Seminar, August 2021

C*-algebras and Kirillov's coadjoint orbit method, Harish-Chandra Seminar, March 2021

Background on the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures, Automorphic Seminar, March 2021

Contact Information

Email: schwein (at) umich (dot) edu

My last name (Schwein) is pronounced "shween"; it rhymes with "clean", contrary to the German pronunciation.