Genetic Variation and Caries: Study Design Aspects

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
Session Type: Lunch and Learning
1.25 CE hours

Sponsored by: Cariology Research
Description: Genetics have been applied to all fields of medicine with the goal to better understand the etiology of diseases but this is much more challenging in cariology since caries is a disease that is strongly modulated by environmental factors and any genetics contribution to disease susceptibility can be easily overcome.
Learning Objectives:
After this section, participants will be able to recognize the limitations of any study that does not include an evaluation of external factors relevant to caries, such as access to dental care, exposure to fluorides, and oral hygiene habits.
After the session, participants will be able to recognize different methods that analyze genetic variation in studies aiming to understand disease susceptibility.
After the session, participants will be able to list the main mechanisms of disease susceptibility likely to be influenced by the genetic background of the host.
Genetic Variation and Caries: Study Design Aspects
A. VIEIRA, Dept. of Oral Medicine & Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
See more of: Lunch & Learning