259 Thermal Analyses of Six Gutta-Percha Based Obturation Points

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
S.C.V. CHEDELLA, TMJ/Orofacial Pain, Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, NY, D. BERZINS, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, and S.B. ALAPATI, Endodontics, University of Illinois - Chicago, Chicago, IL
Objective: Various new technologies and concepts of incorporating resin, glass ionomer and bioceramic (BC) particles/coatings into gutta-percha (GP) points have emerged. There is a scarce amount of information available on whether these processes affect the thermal properties of the obturation point.  The purpose of this study was to compare the melting point and latent heat of melting for several gutta-percha based points using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

Method: Commercially available gutta-percha based points [LexiconTM (pink and green)] from Dentsply Tulsa Dental, ActivGPTM, BC Gutta-PerchaTM, EndosequenceTM Gutta-Percha from Brasseler USA, and EndoRezTM from Ultradent Products (n=5/brand) were analyzed using DSC (20°C →200°C →0°C at 10°C/min).  Thermograms were qualitatively compared and thermal melting parameters (temperature and enthalpy change) were compared via ANOVA/Tukey (a=.05). 


Results are shown in the table below.


Main Melting Peak (oC)

Melting Enthalpy DH (J/g)


49.4 C

10.2 AB


50.4 B

9.5 B

Activ GP

51.1 AB

11.0 A


49.1 C

10.7 A

Endosequence GP

51.7 A

10.6 A


47.5 D

9.7 B

Different letters for each parameter denote significant (p<0.05) differences between groups.  Qualitatively, subtle differences appeared in the thermograms of the respective points.

Conclusion: Significantly different melting parameters were noted among the gutta-percha based points. However, the magnitude of the differences is most likely not clinically significant, indicating the various manufacturing processes do not appreciably change the thermal properties of the gutta-percha points.

Keywords: Biomaterials, Endodontics, Physical and thermal