389 Streptococcus intermedius trigger virulence factors in Porphyromonas gingivallis

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
M.A. DE LA GARZA-RAMOS1, D.S. MARTINEZ-CARREON1, and B. PEREYRA-ALFEREZ2, 1Biologia Molecular / Specialties and Integral Dentisstry Research Unit, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico, 2Biologia Molecular / Instituto de Biotecnologia, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, San Nicolas de los Garza N.L, Mexico
Objective: Evaluate gene expression of P.gingivalis using a heterologus microarray of  Escherichia coli.

Method: Porpyhromonas gingivalis W50 ATCC 25611 and Streptococcus intermedius were placed in Tripticaseine sodium broth and grown in four flasks: ratio of 1:1 (1 ml of the two bacteria), and finally 1:9 (1ml S.intermedius P.gingivalis and 9) after 48 hours. (Logarithmic phase) is an RNA extraction and applies the genetic  chip Ecoli_07_04 hybridizing with samples labeled with Alexa555 1:1 versus 1:9 sample labeled with Alexa647 genArise analysis was performed to find the folder Ecoli_07_04gA, the results of genes regulated UP or DOWN are obtained depending on the sample 9:1. Then there was the annotation of genes identified by the site genArise and David GO for P. gingivalis and E. coli.

Result: Primers specificity was tested with pure cultures of P. gingivalis of the genes PG0520, PG0530, PG1280 and GAPDH in different repetitions. Here we can see specific amplification. In cycle 21 begins the positive signal for the initiators PG0538, later, in the cycle 26 for PG1280, and finally in the cicle 28 for PG0520. GAPDH showed positive signal from the cycle 35 and 37.

Conclusion: The information obtained shows how different genes are expressed in native state, increase their activity with the concentration form. The Genes  PG0520, PG0538 and PG1280, in 1:9 increases significantly more than in the other conditions. These data were confirmed using qPCR of each of those genes which showed greater change PG0538

Keywords: Bacterial, Biofilm, Gene expression, Molecular biology and Technology