859 Comparison of Silorane and Methacrylate-based Composites on the Polymerization Heat

Friday, March 23, 2012: 2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
R.D. GUIRALDO1, S. CONSANI2, R.L.X. CONSANI2, S.B. BERGER1, A.B. CORRER2, M.A.C. SINHORETI2, M.B. LOPES1, and L. CORRER-SOBRINHO2, 1University of North Parana, Londrina - PR, Brazil, 2University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Objective: This study evaluated the temperature variation into the pulp chamber during the light curing of two composite resins: Filtek P90 (silorane-based composite, 3M ESPE) and Heliomolar (methacrylate-based composite, Ivoclar Vivadent).

Method: Standardized cavities (2x2x2 mm) were prepared in 80 bovine incisors, which were randomly assigned to eight groups according to the photo-activation methods and dentin thickness. Two light curing units were used: quartz-tungsten-halogen – QTH (780 mW/cm2 for 40s) and light emitting diode – LED (900 mW/cm2 for 40s); and different dentin thicknesses: 0.5 and 1.0 mm. For the Heliomolar composite, the specimens were etched with Scotchbond Etching Gel 35% phosphoric acid for 20s, rinsed with water for 20s, and have the water excess removed with absorbent paper. Two layers of Excite adhesive system were applied and the photo-activation was done after the second layer application. Then, Heliomolar composite resin was applied and photo-activated. For the Filtek P90, the application of Silorane self-etch primer for 15s and the photo-activation (10s) was done. Application of Silorane adhesive bond and the photo-activation (10s) was done. Then, Filtek P90 composite resin was applied and photo-activated. All experiments were carried out in a controlled environment (37ºC and 50±10% relative humidity). The temperature variations in Celsius were recorded using a digital thermometer attached to a type-K thermocouple, which was inserted into the root canal to be in direct contact with the pulp chamber dentin. The results were subjected to Anova and Tukey’s test (α=0.05).

Result: The increase of pulp chamber temperature was statistically higher for the P90 (39.84±0.91ºC) compared to the Heliomolar (38.85±0.51ºC). For Filtek P90, there was difference between the dentin thicknesses (0.5mm dentin thickness – 40.07±0.93ºC and 1.0mm dentin thickness – 39.61±0.86ºC).

Conclusion: Higher density of energy promotes higher increase of pulp chamber temperature and silorane composite promoted higher temperature increase.

Keywords: Dental materials, Polymerization and Polymers