96 Setting Expansion of Two New Root End Filling Materials

Thursday, March 22, 2012: 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Presentation Type: Oral Session
R. CAMPBELL, Naval Postgraduate Dental School, U.S. Navy Dental Corps, Bethesda, MD
Objectives: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) has many applications in endodontics including use as a root-end filling material and a root repair material.  Previous studies have reported on the tissue biocompatibility and sealing properties MTA.  Its’ excellent sealing has been attributed to expansion upon setting.  iRoot Bioaggregate Ceramic (IBC) and Endosequence Root-Repair Material (ESRRM) are new materials claimed for use in the same applications as MTA.  This study compared the setting expansion of IBC and ESRRM against white MTA (WMTA).

Methods: All materials were dispensed and mixed according to each manufacturer’s instructions.  Each sample was then placed into a mold (0.6 g total mass) and submerged in Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution at room temperature to simulate the physiologic environment.  A linear variable displacement transformer dilatometer was used to determine linear expansion over a period of 25 hours.  One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests were used to compare setting expansions.

Results: The mean setting expansions were 1.06±0.70% for ESRRM, and 0.039±0.069% for WMTA 0.001±0.004% for IBC.  ESRRM exhibited significantly greater expansion (p<0.001) than either of the other two materials.  There was no significant difference between the setting expansion of WMTA and IBC (p=0.985).

Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study, only ESRRM underwent any appreciable setting expansion.

Keywords: Biomaterials and MTA
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