1432 Patient’s satisfaction of implant single- tooth replacements in anterior maxilla

Saturday, March 24, 2012: 9:45 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Presentation Type: Poster Session
M. BONAKDARCHIAN, Prosthodontics, ACTA - Vrije Universiteit, Isfahan, Iran
Objectives:  Over the past 20 years, implant dentistry has progressed faster than many other disciplines in dental medicine.

Methods:  According of statistics rules forty five patients (24 males and 21 females), with mean age of 40 years, were sent questionnaire on their opinion of the treatment to evaluate their satisfaction and attitude of treatment outcomes.

Results:  The first question was about implant colour shows, that perfect satisfaction was responded by 80% of the patients. The 2nd question was about size of implant which almost all of the patients (97%) mentioned perfect. Aesthetic shows that above 95% of patients have good satisfaction. The fourth was about phonetic satisfaction has tangible perfect satisfaction drop of 40% among patients. About occlusion satisfaction indicates that only 60% of people mentioned their satisfaction as perfect similar to last question and over 30% of them have good satisfaction .Oral hygiene shows that under 50% of people have perfect satisfaction while over 13% of them described their satisfaction as not good and not perfect.As mentioned above 4 questions were designed to investigate the patient's attitude. In first question 93% of them were consent to undergo the same surgery again, and in 2nd question 95% have positive attitude in recommending this treatment to others. A high negative attitude was indicated about cost to benefit of this treatment and similar to the last question a large number of the patients (75%) had not the same experience of implant as their own tooth.

Conclusions: The highest rate of satisfaction was about size of restoration, the lowest rate of satisfaction was about oral hygiene, the best attitude was about recommending this treatment to others, and the worst attitude was about having not the same experience of implant as their own tooth.

Keywords: Evaluation,Esthetics, Oral hygiene and Oral implantology
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