[Revised March 2015]

CONSTITUTION: Name, Objectives, Membership, Executive Committee, Officers, Dues, Meetings, Official Language.

BYLAWS: Membership -- Eligibility, Privileges, Discontinuance, Reinstatement, Payment of Dues; Executive Committee; Duties and Terms of Office of the Officers -- President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor; Standing Committees; Duties of the Standing Committees -- Program Committee, Committee on the Constitution and Bylaws, William Souder Award Subcommittee of the IADR Science Awards Committee, Nominating Committee, Local Arrangements Committee; Election of Officers; Changes in the Constitution and Administrative Bylaws; and Dissolution.

VERSIONS: 2011 (below) / (Previous versions:1947-2006; 2006-2010)



The name of the organization shall be the DENTAL MATERIALS GROUP OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR DENTAL RESEARCH. The Dental Materials Group herein will be identified as the DMG. The International Association for Dental Research herein will be identified as the IADR.

ARTICLE II: Objectives

In addition to the objectives of the IADR, the further objectives of DMG shall be: (1) To provide a forum for the exchange of technical information in the science of dental materials; (2) To provide recognition for research in dental materials; and (3) To promote cooperation in research on dental materials among the dental profession, schools, industry, governmental agencies, and other professional societies.

ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1. Eligibility

Any individual shall be eligible for membership who is interested in research in dental materials and conforms to recognized standards of professional ethics.

Section 2. Categories

2A. Active Members

Candidates who are active members of the IADR may become active members of the DMG using the IADR online membership renewal system (within this system there is check box to indicate the candidate would like to become a DMG Member).

2B. Life Members

Any person who has attained the age of 65 and has been an active member of the Group in good standing for at least 20 years is eligible for life membership. An eligible member may request life membership upon written application to the Secretary. Membership shall become final upon written approval by the Secretary.

Section 3. Discontinuance of Membership

Disconinuance of DMG membership will follow the IADR policy. IADR members are terminated 90 days after non-payment of membership.  The membership year is January 1 – December 31.  The IADR will grace membership until April 1.  However, membership must be renewed for the current membership year to receive the meeting registration discount for the meeting year, i.e., 2015 membership must be current to receive the 2015 meeting registration discount. 

ARTICLE IV: Executive Committee

Section 1. Executive Committee

There shall be a governing body known as the Executive Committee of the DMG and shall consist of (1) the officers of the DMG and (2) the immediate two-past presidents of the DMG of IADR

Section 2. Executive Committee Operation

The Executive Committee shall represent the delegated powers of the DMG. It shall transact all business of the DMG not otherwise provided for. A quorum for the Executive Committee meeting shall be constituted by the presence of five members of the Committee. All proceedings of the Executive Committee and all other DMG committees shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.

ARTICLE V: Officers

Section 1. Officers

The officers of the DMG shall be President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall also serve as officers of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Officers Terms of Office

The officers and other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by majority vote of the members and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed.

Section 3. Officer Term Limitations

No officer or other Executive Committee Member shall be elected to a single office for more than two consecutive terms.


The annual dues for active and associate memberships in the DMG shall be determined as follows: (1) recommended by an ad hoc committee consisting of three active members, one of the three to be the Treasurer, the other two appointed by the President; (2) approved by the Executive Committee; and (3) ratified by at least a two-thirds vote of the members attending the annual business meeting. In the event that the recommendations of the ad hoc committee are not approved by the Executive Committee and/or ratified by the necessary vote of the membership, the annual dues shall remain at the current assessed rate.

The annual dues for life membership in the DMG shall be cancelled.

All dues and assessments shall be paid in US dollars.


Section 1. Annual Meetings

The group shall hold an annual meeting coincident with that of the IADR and shall provide its own program as part of the IADR general meeting. A quorum shall consist of twenty members of the DMG at the annual meeting.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the DMG may be held at a time and place decided upon by a majority of the Executive Committee, or by a petition of 10% of the membership. A decision to hold a special meeting must be communicated in writing to all members forty-five days in advance of the meeting.  Virtual meetings employing web-based forums, Webinars, etc.  may also be employed to disseminate or discuss business matters of importance to the Group.  Such virtual meetings also require advance notice of 45 days. 

ARTICLE VIII: Official Language

The official language of the DMG shall be English.


NUMBER 1: Membership

Section 1. Eligibility

1A. Active Members

Active members must demonstrate an interest in research in dental materials. This means that he/she: (1) is conducting or has conducted appropriately related research, or (2) has presented scientific papers based upon research before national or international meetings, or (3) has published one or more such scientific papers based upon original research in scientific journals.

1B. Affiliate Member

Members of the IADR who are interested in dental materials but who are not eligible for active membership can become affiliate members.

1C. Life Member

Members who qualify for life membership, have requested consideration for life membership in writing to the Secretary, and have been approved by the Executive Committee will become life members.

Section 2. Privileges

1A. Active and Life Members

Active and life members shall have all rights and privileges granted under the Constitution and Bylaws.

1B. Affiliate Members

Affiliate members shall enjoy all rights and privileges within the DMG except that they shall not be eligible for nomination, election, or appointment to the Executive Committee in any capacity.

1C. Discontinuance

Any active member who has failed to pay dues by the end of the year following the year in which they are due shall automatically forfeit membership in the DMG and shall be notified in writing of the said forfeiture. The Secretary of the DMG shall notify the IADR of such action.

Any active or life member of the DMG in good standing who fails to pay dues to the IADR according to its Bylaws will automatically lose active or life membership but retain affiliate DMG membership. They may appeal the action at the next business meeting.

Any affiliate member who has failed to pay dues by the end of the year following the year in which they are due shall automatically forfeit membership in the DMG and shall be notified in writing of said forfeiture.

Section 3. Reinstatement

Any former member whose status has been terminated by nonpayment of dues may be reinstated as an affiliate member at the discretion of the Executive Committee, providing the dues delinquency is satisfactorily resolved.

Section 4. Payment of Dues

4A. New Members

New members admitted to the DMG must pay dues for the current year.

4B. Delinquent Members

Delinquent members will be notified of the delinquency by the DMG Treasurer.

4C. Active and Life Members

Active and life members incur the additional responsibility of dues to the IADR.

NUMBER 2: Executive Committee

Section 1.

Members of the Executive Committee must be active or life members of the DMG.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall constitute the Executive Board of the DMG.

Section 3.

The Executive Committee shall meet annually coincident with the IADR meeting. However, additional meetings can be held, as necessary, in conjunction with a Divisional meeting. Notice of such a meeting shall be given thirty (30) days in advance by the President, to the members of the Executive. A quorum, as defined under Article IV, Section 2, shall be present.

Section 4.

The Executive Committee shall authorize all expenditures and shall take all reasonable steps to avoid indebtedness.

Section 5.

A majority vote of the Executive Committee shall govern, except where otherwise provided. They shall have the power to overrule or modify the action of any officer of the DMG.

Section 6.

The Executive Committee shall receive Committee reports and recommendations and shall submit to the DMG in regular meetings such recommendations which they have approved affecting the administrative policies or activities of the DMG.

NUMBER 3: Duties and Terms of Office of the Officers

Section 1. President

A. Shall preside at all meetings of the DMG and the Executive Committee.
B. Shall be a member, ex officio, of all committees.
C. Shall make all appointments, committee or individual, not otherwise provided for as required.
D. Shall appoint representatives in countries where needed to assist in the distribution of information, acquisition of reports for the DMG Newsletter to be submitted to the secretary, and perform other duties pertinent to efficient administration.
E. Shall serve for 1 year.

Section 2. President-Elect

A. Shall assist the President in the performance of his duties.
B. Shall preside at the DMG meetings when the President is absent.
C. Shall become President at the annual meeting following the one at which he is elected President-Elect.
D. Shall obtain updated job descriptions from outgoing officers and committee chairpersons and, upon leaving office, shall provide such descriptions to incoming officers and committee chairpersons.
E. Shall serve for 1 year.

Section 3. Vice-President

A. Shall assist the President-elect in the performance of his/her duties.
B. Shall become President-elect at the annual meeting following the one at which he/she is elected President-Elect.
C.  Shall serve as the assistant to the President
-elect for the responsibilities of Group Program Chair (GPC) for the DMG at the annual meeting of the IADR (and AADR when applicable).
F. Shall serve for 1 year.

Section 4. Secretary

A. Shall keep the records of the DMG and of the Executive Committee, and a current membership list as updated by the Treasurer.
B. Shall make an annual written report of the proceedings of the DMG to the Executive Committee and the DMG.
C. Shall transfer to his successor all records and funds of the DMG in his possession.
D. Shall be responsible for writing and distributing the DMG Newsletter.
E. Shall perform such other duties as usually appertain to his office.
F. Shall serve for 2 years.

Section 5. Treasurer

A. Shall maintain the financial records of the DMG and submit an annual written financial statement.
B. Shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all funds pertaining to the operation of the DMG.
C. Shall transfer to his successor all records and funds of the DMG in his possession.
D. Shall perform such other duties as may pertain to his office.
E. Shall serve for 3 years.

Section 6. Immediate Past-President

A. Shall maintain an advisory role to the current President and the Executive Committee.
C. Shall transfer to his/her successor all records of the DMG in his/her possession.
D. Shall perform such other duties as requested by the President.
E. Shall serve for 2 years.

Section 7. Councilor

A.  Shall take part in all deliberations of the council of the IADR (and AADR if the councilor is an AADR member) and shall summarize proceedings in reports to the Executive Committee and to the DMG membership attending the meeting, and through reports to the members via the secretary's newsletter.  Note:  If the Councilor is not an AADR member, the Executive Committee will select another individual to serve as DMG AADR Councilor for the purpose of representing the DMG at the AADR Council meeting.  This person will also serve as a DMG officer on the Executive Committee.
B.  Shall serve for 5 years.

NUMBER 4: Standing Committees

Section 1.

There shall be the following standing committees:
1. Program
2. Constitution and Bylaws
3. Wilmer Souder Award Subcommittee
4. Awards
5. Nominating

Section 2.

No member will be appointed to a single committee for more than 3 years. The sole exception will be recommendations for membership in the William Souder Award Subcommittee of the IADR Science Awards Committee.

NUMBER 5: Duties of the Standing Committees

Section 1. Program Committee

A. Shall consist of the President-Elect (Group Program Chair), the Vice-President and sub-group program chairs.
B. Shall arrange a program for the annual meeting.

Section 2. Committee on Constitution and Bylaws

A. Shall consist of three members, nominated by the President and elected by the Executive Committee for a term of three years, one to be elected annually.
B. All matters concerning amendments, alterations or revisions shall be made in writing and referred to this Committee for investigation and recommendation.

Section 3. William Souder Award Subcommittee of the IADR Science Awards Committee

A. The Committee consists of the last five award winners and its activities are coordinated by the IADR.

Section 4. Awards Committee

A. This committee shall consist of three senior DMG members who have been members for many years, have provided significant DMG service, and have a with broad perspective of the DMG membership.  The committee members serve three-year staggered terms, may be re-appointed, and select their own chair.   New appointments or reappointments are made by the President. 

B. Shall receive nominations for the Peyton/Skinner Award for Innovation and the Ryge/Mahler Award for Clinical Research from any member of the DMG.  Nominations should be forwarded to the Chair of the committee and should consist of a formal letter containing the rationale for the nomination plus curriculum vitae outlining the specific contributions of the individual.  Individuals not selected will be considered for the next selection period without requiring resubmission.  A nominee will be considered for a maximum of three successive years without requiring resubmission.  A nominee can be renominated at the end of the three year period of consideration by submitting a new letter of nomination.

C. Shall elect the recipients of the Peyton/Skinner award and the Ryge/Mahler award by a majority vote.  These awards are to be made annually and announced at the DMG reception at the IADR meeting.  Note:  Past recipients of the Souder Award are not eligible, but acceptance of either of these two awards does not disqualify one for the Souder Award.

D.  The Chair of the committee shall submit the names of the recipients to the President of the DMG.  It is the responsibility of the President to inform the recipients and the Executive Committee.

Section 5. Nominating Committee

A. Consists of three immediate past-presidents. The senior past-president shall serve as the Chair.
B. Shall submit names of nominees for officers to the Executive Committee at least 30-60 days prior to the annual meeting.

NUMBER 6: Election of Officers

Section 1.

Upon receiving the selection of candidates for office made by the Nominating Committee, the Secretary will send a digital ballot to each voting member of the DMG at least 60 days before the next annual meeting.

Section 2.

The Secretary shall be responsible for counting the returned ballots before the annual meeting and notifying the winning candidate(s).

NUMBER 7: Changes in the Constitution and Administrative Bylaws

Recommended changes in the Constitution and Bylaws shall be prepared by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and reported to the Executive Committee. If approved by the Executive Committee, the changes will be presented to the members of the Dental Materials Group at least one month in advance other next annual meeting. The changes will be put into effect on the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at the annual meeting.  Alternatively an electronic vote may be used to vote on proposed changes with at least a 30 day notice to the membership.

NUMBER 8: Dissolution Provision

Upon dissolution of the Dental Materials Group, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all the liabilities of the Group, transfer all of the remaining assets to the Academy of Dental Materials.

Copyright DMG-IADR. All rights reserved.