Lecture Materials, UP507
(as a supplement to, not a replacement for, in-class material.)

Week 1.

Week 2.

Jordan Curve Theorem; implications for mapping.

The Jordan Curve Theorem (click here to see animated image of a walk in Lower Manhattan):

Week 3.

Week 4.

Week 5.

Week 6.

Week 7.  Focus on Spatial Transformations

When moving a map from one computer to another, have you ever had the new file ask you, over and over again, to locate all the shape files and .dbf files?  If so, consider the following approach, particularly when there are many shape files in a single project.  When you go to File|Save Project As  in ArcView, you create an .apr file that is a "project" file.  This file is a template that brings back the shape files you chose with the themes colored the way you chose them to be colored, and so forth. It is the
top level of a spatial hierarchy!  The .apr file is a text file.  Text files can be edited in text editors, such as Windows NotePad. First, open up the .apr file in ArcView and set the working directory to something you want.  Then, save the .apr file again, from ArcView.  Next, open up the .apr file in NotePad (it may ask to put the file in WordPad if the file is too large--that is fine).  Use the "find" command to find the first occurence of "path c:\esri" or wherever the shape files were saved.  Then, use the replace command to replace c:\esri with d:\esri (or whatever you need).  You may or may not wish to use a global replace command. You retain the most control simply by repeating use of the "find" command and typing in suitable changes.

Week 8.  Spring Break

Week 9.  Midterm Presentations

Week 10.  Guest:  Karen Popek Hart, Planning Director, City of Ann Arbor.

Week 11.  Spatial Hierarchy and Fractal Transformations.

Week 12.

Week 13.

Week 14. Week 15.  Final Presentations.