TO:     City of Ann Arbor Planning Commission

FROM:   Raymond D. Martin, Planning Director

DATE: 16 September 64

SUBJECT:  Huron Parkway, Council Action of 14 September 1964

Attached to this report are copies of reports, maps, and resolutions

pertaining to the Huron Parkway.

These Council actions, among others, were taken to support the forth

coming Huron Parkway Bond Proposal.  During your review of this material,

you will note that in the "Criteria and Standards" report, dated 10

September 1964, page 2, that section (4) (c) (One (1) western collector

street to provide service to private property lying to the west of the

parkway) was deleted.  While Council action deleted this section, it

should be known that the action was not absolutely decisive.  It is

difficult to report on attitude, however, it is believed that it was

Council's intent to delete the question of the access until more

information was available at a future date, and until the issues were more

thoroughly considered by Council.  Consequently, it was recognized at

Council meeting that this particular access may be re -instated by Council

in the near future.

In support of past Commission and Council actions concerning the

"parkway", the actions of Council on 14 September 1964, and to encourage

the realization of the vitally needed Huron Parkway, the Planning

Department staff recommends that the Commission adopt and transmit to

Council the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the City Council on 14 September 1964 approved the Huron Parkway

Bond Proposal, and

WHEREAS. the City Council also adopted specified reports, maps, and

criteria and standards regarding the concept, route, and design for the

Huron Parkway, and

WHEREAS, Council action is intended to implement vital

parts of the Ann Arbor Thoroughfare Plan and Capital Improvement

Budget and Program; parts of the Ann Arbor General Development Plan,

WHEREAS, the construction of the Huron Parkway was determined to be

necessary for the general safety and welfare of the City,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the intensions and

actions of the A an Arbor City Council are hereby unanimously supported by

the Ann Arbor City Planning Commission.

Raymond D. Martin

Planning Director

 Page 2

The attachments are described as follows:

Attachment #1   Report dated 4 September 1964, by City Administrator on

the Route and Design of the Huron Parkway.

Attachment #2   Report dated. 10 September 1964, by City Administrator on

the Criteria and Standards of the Huron Parkway.

Attachment #3   Motions and Resolutions Adopted by Council at its Regular

Meeting of 14 September 1964

September 4, 1964

TO:     The Mayor and Members of Council

FROM:   Guy C. Larcom, Jr., City Administrator


This memorandum is intended to provide more complete information on the

concept, route and design of Huron Parkway and to answer some of the

questions raised regarding it.


Huron Parkway was first conceived of as an "inner belt" roadway providing

a new, direct route for traffic between the developing south, east and

north sections of the city.

When the original route of the State 23-bypass was relocated to the east,

the need for a local highway an inner route became obvious.  Failure to

construct such a road would mean the routing of a large volume of traffic

through main roads into the center of the city and out again or along

indirect routes via Arlington,,Geddes, Fuller and Beal.

The original concept was as a typical roadway with the primary purpose of

carrying traffic - not as a parkway.  It was to have an 80 foot

right-of-way providing a 48 foot paved surface for 4 lanes of traffic.

Project costs and difficulties of securing right-of-way determined this

since at that time it was hoped to construct the road out of annual weight

and gas tax revenues.


The proposed road was adopted officially as part of Ann Arbor's

Thoroughfare Plan March 30, 1959.  The general route appears on that

official map.  It was also approved then by the City Planning Commission.

On July 18, 1960, a specific alignment of the roadway prepared by the City

Engineer was adopted by Council and the City Administrator was authorized

to begin land acquisition along the approved route.

First land acquisition was on August 29, 1960, in time to forestall

development that would have blocked the rightof-way at the Washtenaw

Avenue crossing.

The 80-foot right-of-way across the Pearl property north of Washtenaw to

the Huron Hills golf course was purchased in may, 1961.

Other portions of the needed right-of-way have been acquired so that a

major. portion of the total road is under city ownership.  Some changes in

the route have resulted from right-of-way negotiations.  Where the route

originally was on the west side of the Pearl property, it was re-located

more to the east at a greater distance from the Woodhaven-Ann Arbor Hills

area.  The route at Elmwood was changed, and the road was re-located

across the east side of the golf course to avoid interference with the

residential subdivision near Elmwood.

In June, 1963, after the route of the road was well established and

portions of the right-of-way had been acquired, the School Board

communicated its intention to proceed with a new high school along the

roadway in the vicinity of Geddes Road.  The decision of the School Board

did not affect the location of the road.  The fact that the high school

will open in September, 1967, does make an earlier time schedule for

completion of the road a necessity.


 It should be stressed that the road is an actuality with "much of the

right-of-way acquired and some portions completed and some under

construction.  The city has spent or committed $394,000.00 to date.

Council recently authorized an expenditure of $86,705.00 to construct a

section from Plymouth Road south to Hubbard in the middle of the North



This roadway is an example of advance planning by the city.  It was

conceived to meet necessary future traffic needs.  By laying out the route

well in advance, it was possible to secure large portions of right-of-way

without conflict with private or public development.  It was made a part

of the City Thoroughfare Plan, which means it was integrated into the

total pattern of city major and local roads as well as state and county

highway planning.  It has been regularly included as a top priority

project in the Planning Commission capital improvement program and budget.

The route and need for this road has been thoroughly explored with other

government agencies.  It is included in the Preliminary Land Use Plan for

Washtenaw County issued in 1962 by the County Planning Commission as "a

basis for coordination and cooperation in planning among local authorities

in the County", and among other objectives, relates land use and

development with county-city highway systems.  The roadway appears in Ann

Arbor Area Sectional Plan of the County Planning Commission dated July,

1959.  Called an "inner loop" it is referred to in the "Preliminary

Capacity Study for Ann Arbor Township" dated December, 1959, and prepared

by the County Planning Commission.  Representatives of other government

units such as the County Road Commission and Ann Arbor Township have been

consulted on various portions of the route,




The concept of a parkway rather than a roadway was introduced in 1962 in

the Ann Arbor Planning Commission's Parks and Open Space Plan as follows:

"The program for the development of the Huron Parkway is already well

under way.  If this proposed 'inner belt' is to be truly a 'parkway'

action must be started now for the acquisition of a 300-foot minimum

right-of-way to insure a scenic recreational drive along its length.

Where this is clearly impossible, at the very least, scenic easements

should be acquired".

Council, on October 14, 1963, did authorize the acquisition of 120'

right-of-way from Geddes Road northerly.  A 150-foot right-of-way has been

obtained by agreement with the University between Glacier and Plymouth

Roads.  The city is endeavoring to obtain 120-foot right-of-way from

Geddes to Glacier.

The 80-foot roadway north of Washtenaw to Huron River Drive had been

acquired prior to the Parkway concept.  An 80-foot right-of-way with

48-foot paved surface and 16 foot strips on each side can be beautified by

plantings and careful treatment.  Whether further acquisition for "scenic

easements" is feasible on this stretch of road is a question depending


 upon additional cost and ability to acquire adjacent land.  The route

along the golf course need not be expanded beyond the width needed for

four lanes and a turning lane since the golf course itself is a scenic


Consideration should be given to the acquisition of additional land at the

Parkway and Geddes crossing to permit attractive landscaping.


This is not a limited access highway such as the state builds, but is

intended as a controlled access road with access carefully limited to the

number and location points necessary for public convenience.  With some

exception, most stretches of the road will not be accessible directly from

private property.

In the section in the vicinity of Washtenaw where the zoning is

commercial, office and multi-family, direct access is limited o a given

number of locations.  From a point 600 feet north of Washtenaw, access

will be primarily by intersecting roads.  These points of access will be

carefully specified and are as follows:

                           One access from the west and one from the east

between Washtenaw and Huron River Drive

Huron River Drive and Parkway

Golf course and Parkway

Glacier Road and Parkway

High School and Parkway

        Area east of Parkway between Glacier and Geddes

        Hubbard and Parkway

        Parke-Davis and Climax Molybdenum and Parkway

        Plymouth and Parkway


 Citizens have disputed the need for access from the Woodhaven Hills - Ann

Arbor Hills area west of the Huron Parkway.  The Board of Education and

the City planners believe "it is imperative to provide access from the

existing Ann Arbor Hills development to the existing Chalmers Drive, as

well as to the proposed Huron Parkway.  The extension of existing

vehicular facilities will not only serve future elementary schools, but

will also assist greatly in expediting traffic from the immediate area to

and from the second senior high school." A new elementary school is to be

located east of Huron Parkway, north of Washtenaw and just west of

Chalmers Drive.


A considerable portion of the Parkway is public land owned by the City

(golf course), University (North Campus) and public schools (high school

and elementary school sites).  Stretches subject to private development

are now located in the township but presumably will come into the city

before development can occur.  These areas should be zoned residential and

agreements of intent to this effect could be reached by the city council

and township board.  Similar policy statements regarding non-access

directly to the Parkway from private properties should be made.


It is recommended that Council adopt standards regarding Huron Parkway as

to alignment, size and location of rights-of-way, intersections and access

points and related information.


 This would define city policy as to this roadway and

changes would be subject to Council approval.  These criteria and

standards will be reviewed in detail with Council at the meeting of

Thursday, September 10, 1964.


 TO-.           Mayor and Council                        DATE: 10

September 1964

F R OM:      Guy C. Larcom, Jr. City Administrator

SUBJECT:        Huron Parkway


The     following (1) ROW (right-of-way), (2) design standards,

(3)     intersection controls, (4) access, and (5) land use/ zoning


and     standards are recommended for the indicated portion of the Huron



(1)     ROW: 80 feet

(2)     Design Standard:

(a)     4 lanes

(b)     48 foot paved width

(c)     No median strip

(d)     16 foot shoulders, special planting area, and sidewalk.

(3)     Intersection, Controls: Traffic signal at Washtenaw.

(4)     Access: Controlled access through:

(a)     Access at Platt Road

(b)     Access at Washtenaw

(c)     One ingress-egress point per individual parcel or multiple parcel

access through joint service drives.

(5)     Land Use/ Zoning: The zoning, fronting the Parkway, in this area

is "R3", "RE", "C-3", "R5", "RIB", "R4B", "R4A".  Since substantial

development has taken place, existing and permitted land uses are


NOTE:   Acquisition of land at the entrance to the parkway (Huron-Parkway

and Platt Road) near Community Park is possible.  This acquisition, for a

fire station site, would provide the ability to create and identify a

"park-like" entrance way to the Parkway.

        Page 2



(1)     ROW: 80 feet

(2)     Design Standards

(a)     4 lanes

(b)     48 foot paved width

(c)     No median strip

(d)     16 foot shoulder and special planting area

(e)     Possible ROW extension for planting area, scenic easements,

turnoffs, through acquisition of development rights.

(3)     Intersection Controls: Intersection stop signs.

(4)     Access: Controlled access through:

(a)     One (1) eastern collector street to provide service to private

property lying to the east of the parkway.

(b)     Access to the proposed elementary school site adjacent on the east

to the parkway.

Delete as per Council

action 14 Sept 64 ---

     (c)        One (1) western collector street to provide service to

private property lying to the west of the parkway.

(d)     Access to parkway at junction of route and Huron River


NOTE:   Collector street access provides the ability to prohibit direct

private drive access to the parkway.

(5)     Land Use/Zoning

(a)     Public Land (PL) zoning for City Golf Course and elementary school


(b)     Residential zoning for private property adjacent to parkway.

NOTE:   For those areas remaining in the Township, agreements of intent to

this effect should be reached by the City Council and Township Board.

 Page 3


(a)     80-94 feet--Golf Course

(b)     220 X 150 feet--grade separation--west

(c)     250 X 70 feet--grade separation--east

(2)     Design Standards:

(a)     4 to 7 lanes--Golf Course to Bridge 4 through lanes and 3 turning


(b)     10-18 foot shoulder and special planting area--east side

(c)     Golf Course and tree screen- -west side

NOTE:   Additional ROW and partial grade separation ROW to

be acquired from private property lying to west

(3)     Intersection Controls: Possible light at partial grade separation

(4)     Access: Controlled access through:

(a)     Access to parkway at junction of route and Huron River


(b)     Access to parkway via partial grade separation

(c)     Access to Golf Course--both sides

(d)     Pedestrian over-pass joining Golf Course sections

(5)     Land Use/Zoning:

(a)     Public Land (PL) zoning for Golf Course

(b)   Appropriate zoning for proposed Racquet Club.

 Page 4


(1)    ROW:

(a)     82 feet--bridge

(b)     To be determined--causeway

(C)     150 feet--to be acquired--river to Glacier Way

(2)     Design Standards:

(a)     6 through lanes, 72 feet roadway, non-divided 5 foot pedestrian

walks--bridge and causeway

(b)     4 lanes, two 24 foot roadways

(c)     One 62 foot median

(d)     Two 20 foot shoulder and special planting areas

(3)     Intersection Controls:

(a)     Geddes: at grade intersection with ultimate signal control

(b)     Glacier Way: at grade intersection with possible signal control

NOTE:   Possible additional intersection ROW acquisition at

Parkway-Geddes, for improved "parkway treatment".  If not possible at all

four intersection quadrants then emphasis on' southern (river) quadrants

(4)     Access: Controlled access through:

(a)     Access to parkway from Geddes

(b)     Access to parkway from Ann Arbor High School site

(c)     One (1) eastern collector street to provide service to private

property lying to the east of the parkway

(d)     Access to parkway from Glacier Way

(5) Land Use/Zoning

(a)     Public Land (PL) zoning for Ann Arbor High School site.

(b)  Residential zoning for private property adjacent to parkway.

 Page 5


(1)     ROW: 150 foot (128.5 feet at Parke-Davis and Climax molybdenum)

(2)     Design Standard:

(a)     4 lanes, two 24 foot roadways

(b)     One 62 foot median

(c),      Two 20 foot shoulders and special planting area

(d)     median reduced at intersections for turning lanes,

(3)     Intersection Controls: Hubbard: at grade intersection with

possible signal control

(4)     Access: Controlled access through

(a)     Access to parkway from University collector street at Hubbard.

(b)     Access to Parke-Davis

(c)     Access to Climax Molybdenum

NOTE:   Consistant with University North Campus

Development, additional controlled access points may be


(5)     Land Use/Zoning

(a)     Public Land (PL) zoning for University property.

(b)     Research (RE) zoning for Parke-Davis and Climax Molybdenum

 Page 6


(1)     ROW: 80 feet

(2)     Design Standards:

(a)     5 lanes

(b)     60 foot paved width

(c)     10 foot shoulders, 2 planting areas

(3)     Intersection Control: Traffic signal at Plymouth Road

(4)     Access: Controlled access through:

(a)     No access, reverse frontage lots, from residential property

abutting on the east (existing)

(b)     Access to Ann Arbor Bank, branch (existing)

                       (c)      One ingress-egress point per individual

parcel or multiple parcel access        through joint service drives


(5)     Land Use/Zoning: The zoning fronting this area is "C-3", "O" and

"RlC".  Since substantial development has taken place, existing and

permitted land uses are recognized.

NOTE:   Specified design standards may vary where ever it is possible to

more fully provide a "parkway treatment" for the roadway.


southern half of map northern half of map
ATTACHMENTS #3 Motions and Resolutions Adopted by Council at its Regular Meeting of 14 September 1964 Moved by Councilman Bandemer that Council approve the resolution for the Huron Parkway. Moved by Councilman Pierce that the resolution be amended that any further extensions in curb cuts, in addition to those in the report, be approved by Council. On Councilman Pierce's motion on roll call, the following resolution, was approved. 10 yeas, 0 nays. "WHEREAS the construction of Huron Parkway is necessary for the general safety and welfare of the City, and WHEREAS, it is essential to expedite the construction, and WHEREAS, certain questions concerning the design of the Parkway have been raised, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the report of the City Administrator dated September 4, 1964, regarding the concept, route and design of Huron Parkway, the criteria and standards for Huron Parkway stated in a report of the City Administrator dated 10 September 1964, and in a map prepared by the Ann Arbor City Planning Department dated 4 September 1964, be and they hereby are adopted by this Council.  Any changes in the criteria and standards shall be approved by Council." Moved by Councilman Bandemer, that on page 2, Item C of paragraph 4 be deleted. Carried on roll call vote. 10 yeas.   0 nays.  Attachment #3 Continued Councilman Cappaert presented a Resolution of Intent to be included in the criteria and standards for the Huron Parkway. On the original motion as amended it was carried on roll call vote. 10 yeas. 0 nays. The resolution states as follows: "Resolution of Intent Regarding the Proposed Huron Parkway to be Considered by Council. WHEREAS, this Council is convinced of the urgency of beginning construction of the Huron Parkway; and WHEREAS certain relevant questions concerning the Huron Parkway have been raised, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the intent of this Council that: 1.      Planning, engineering, and construction of the Huron Parkway shall not proceed in such a manner as to limit the options of this Council concerning the route of a major penetrator road, or roads, designed to carry traffic between Ann Arbor and the U. S. Highway 23 Eastbelt. 2.      Attached to this resolution, and adopted as a part of it, is a route diagram for the proposed Huron Parkway, indicating all curb cuts currently planned and authorized by this Council.  Any changes in either the number or location of curb cuts in the Huron Parkway shall be approved by a majority of this Council, 3.      The City Administrator shall be encouraged to purchase additional right-of-way for the Huron Parkway up to a maximum width of three hundred feet.  Where it is impossible to purchase right-of-way to this maximum width, the Administrator is instructed to negotiate for scenic easements along the right-of -way, up to a total maximum width of three hundred feet for both purchased right-of-way and scenic easements 4.      It is further  the intent of this Council to prevent future commercial development along the Huron Parkway, The City Administrator is directed to take such action, in conjunction with private owners and developers and with other units of Government, to implement this and other intents expressed in this resolution. Councilman --Roy A. Cappaert