Say Good-Bye to Summer
Neighborhood Night Out Party in Bromley Park
Sunday, August 24, 1997,
6:00 P.M. Until Dark

Come join your neighbors in Bromley Park. Learn to know your new neighbors
and touch base with those whom you have not seen for awhile. To know your
neighbors is to promote greater neighborhood unity, and thus greater
neighborhood security.

Please bring a dish to pass and meet people.
Bromley Homeowners Association will provide plates, napkins, etc.	

Aurora	Salads
Briarcliff	Main dish	
Burlington Street and Court	Beverages
Nixon	Main dish	
Prairie	Appetizers/munchies
Renfrew	Desserts
Sheffield Court	Desserts

These are, of course, suggestions for what to bring, intended to
generate variety, but if you wish to bring something else, please do

Welcome to New Residents

How nice it is to get a phone call from a long-time Bromley resident
wishing good things for her new neighbor down the street who is busily
remodeling and improving property. The Bromley Homeowners Association
hopes that all new residents, and established ones as well, will be
sure to attend the annual party in Bromley Park. Knowing who your
neighbors are (adjacent ones as well as more distant ones) is critical 
to neighborhood security, as is knowing who the members are of the
various neighborhood boards.

Here are a few neighborhood facts for new residents. Garbage pick-up
day in Bromley is on Wednesday. If Monday is a holiday, then Thursday
is pick-up day. Your house should come with re-cycling bins that go
with the house. One bin is for newspaper and the other for containers.
More specific information as to types of containers and such
change from time to time. Why not talk to your new neighbors to find
out what is currently being picked up?

Neighborhood Organizations

There are two distinct organizations in Bromley. The Bromley
Homeowners Association serves the 231 homes in Bromley. The Bromley 
Homeowners Association delivers a Newsletter free to each home and, 
when funds are available, a neighborhood directory. The
Association offers grants to worthwhile neighborhood projects. It
also serves as an advocate for neighborhood issues in City Hall,
and it interacts with nearby neighborhood associations to keep
abreast of regional issues that impact Bromley. This past year,
most Bromley Homeowners Association activities have been more at
the regional than at the local level. At a mere $5.00 per year, the 
Bromley Homeowners Association is one of the best buys in town.
Please make sure you are current. Remember, dues are aligned with
the academic year: from September to September. Thus, if you have
not paid your dues for 1996-1997, please do so soon. In a month, it 
will be time to consider sending in your dues for the 1997-1998
year. Leave checks in an envelope in the box on the front porch of
Colleen Thurston, 2819 Briarcliff.

The Bromley neighborhood also has a pool of its own: Dolfins
Pool. The Bromley Homeowners Association has very friendly relations 
with the board that runs the pool, but these two boards are entirely
separate. Each household is asked to contribute $35.00 per year as
their fair share of paying the property taxes, substantial
maintenance, and insurance on  this neighborhood pool, pool
building, and adjoining lot. Each year the pool board distributes
material explaining this "assessment" and explaining, as well, the
fee structure for use of the pool.

One painless way to support the pool is to purchase Kroger certificates;
contact a pool board member. These are cash-back certificates
good at Kroger's. Kroger donates a percentage to Dolfins pool. 
Kroger gets the use of up-front capital (and no doubt money from a lost 
certificate here or there); Dolfins
gets a few dollars here and a few there that add up
substantially over time. The generosity of Bromley residents in
taking just a couple of minutes to get the certificates
from a Pool board representative has been resounding in the
past few years. This program has already made a big difference to the 
welfare of the pool. Caring individuals who take just a small amount
of time (and no extra money) have made a large difference in
maintaining this valuable neighborhood resource. The Bromley
Homeowners Association salutes those residents who continue to
purchase Kroger certificates.

Bromley Homeowners Association Newsletter Interim Editor/writer Sandra Arlinghaus Compositor Charles F. Engle Printer Accu-Copy The Newsletter is published by the Bromley Homeowners Associa-tion, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for the residents of Bromley subdivision. The master is produced on an Apple Macintosh 7200 computer using Microsoft Word 5.1a and a Hewlett-Packard DeskWriter printer. Print-ing is done at cost by Bromley resident Phil Zaret, owner of Accu-Copy, 402 Maynard. The appearance of advertisements in the Newsletter does not imply en-dorsement of the products or services advertised. All material is copyrighted 1997 and may not be used without permission.
Bromley Homeowners Association Board President William E. Arlinghaus 761-1231 Vice-President Elfriede Hofacker 994-3308 Treasurer Colleen Thurston 663-9413 Secretary Rajeev Batra 663-1874 Joan Johnstone 662-4305 Ron Sakowski 741-7168 Howard Schafer 662-4643 Irene Stock 996-0074 Web Site URL
Dolfins Pool Phone 913-4558
Bromley Neighborhood Watch Block Captains 2700-2970 Aurora Steve Busch 769-6515 William E. Arlinghaus 761-1231 2754-2790 Briarcliff Hector and Janet Curz 769-8569 Linda Lake McCall 995-0721 2802-2848 Briarcliff Colleen Thurston 663-9413 Theresa Anderson 663-7248 2849-2996 Briarcliff Ed Lewis 663-5690 Ron Sakowski 741-7168 Burlington St. & Ct. Mary Kay Barkley 668-0599 Jan Riggs 769-5639 2250-2364 Nixon Wendy Keeney 665-8752 2372-2464 Nixon Carrie Sercel, Head 663-4346 2118-2283 Prairie Myra Dennis 668-7383 Barbara Chamness 769-8485 2310-2372 Prairie Maureen Levens 665-4682 2403-2551, 2563, 2575 Prairie, Prairie Court Beverly Kraker 996-1968 2560, 2587-2663 Prairie Mike Wilson 761-8756 2813-2885 Renfrew Priscilla Spencer, Rajeev Batra 663-1874 2880, 2886-2963 Renfrew Jeanne Schafer 663-4643 Sheffield Court Mary Ann Dennis 663-3172
Traver Village Community Police Office (2:00-6:00 P.M. Monday-Thursday, 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Friday) Community Service Assistant Tamala Martin 994-8107
Friends of Huron Parkway Sandra Arlinghaus 975-0246 Web Site URL