BHA Newsletter, April, 1996

by Mary Ann Gasiorek
     The Bromley Neighborhood Garage Sale Day will be Saturday, May 18, 
1996, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  To date there will be 26 garage sales; 9 on 
Prairie, 2 on Sheffield Court, 6 on Briarcliff, 2 on Burlington, 2 on 
Aurora, 4 on Renfrew, and 1 on Nixon.  It is not too late to join the fun.

Homeowners run their own garage sales and keep all profits.  The Bromley 
Homeowners' Association will pay for the advertisement in the Ann Arbor 
News.  Signs will be put up at every entrance to our neighborhood.  You 
will need to put a sign and/or balloons in front of your house to 
indicate you are having a garage sale.  With this kind of publicity, you 
can have a full-scale garage sale or just put out a few things in your 
	If you would like to participate, please call Mary Ann Gasiorek 
at 996-4633 with your name and address.
	Thurston School's Cub Scout Pack 160 will be selling coffee, 
lemonade, cookies, and other baked goods at 2144 Prairie to raise funds 
for Pack activities.

	As the summer approaches please remember to keep a watchful eye 
on your own property and help your neighbors, too!  Keeping doors locked, 
house doors, car doors, and garage doors, is probably a good idea.  If 
you encounter any problems, please call 911.

	BHA has received comments about the latest pruning of street 
trees in Bromley and along Bluett.  All of it is negative although many 
do acknowledge the need to keep the utility easements clear.  Some have 
noted that we have had frequent pruning of trees in the past few years, 
with few problems of interruption of power, yet in *this* pruning event 
huge limbs were cut that had evidently not been touched in years (and 
apparently did not need to be).  Others have likened the recent job to 
some sort of assembly line butchering job.  However, none of it is 
written.  Of course, once the trees have been pruned, there is little 
that can be done for those particular trees.  Nonetheless, as we gaze at 
the broader picture of Ann Arbor as tree city we might reflect on whether 
or not this style of pruning is what we like.  If you have comments you 
would like transmitted outside Bromley, leave them in the box on Sandys 
front porch (2790 Briarcliff) by the end of May.

by Barbara Chamness

	Splash into summer with Dolfins this year!  Weve got a great 
line-up of plans, including 3 sessions of swimming lessons and Friday 
evening neighborhood potlucks at the pool in June.
	We would like to thank Joann Culbertson of Orchard Hills Athletic 
Club (OHAC) for serving as a liaison between pool boards allowing us to 
share facilities and services.  Together, well be able to have more pool 
space for swim and dive teams and to offer swimming lessons to more kids 
than we can separately.
	Many thanks to all those who helped complete the repair of the 
south side of the pool building roof on April 13.  This group included 
Howard Parker, Mike and Mark Lovdahl, Alfonso Bonilla, Ken Crawford, Gene 
Dennis, Tony Gasiorek, Larry Jaffe, Alan Riggs, Gene Rye, Dave Thurston, 
and Cosmas VanDeven.
	Our membership flyer, June calendar, and flower sale brochure 
were delivered to Bromley homes  in mid-April.  Please note two errors on 
the membership flyer--swim/dive team is $30 (not $25) and guest passes 
are $1.00 (not $1.50).
	Our Kroger fundraiser is going well--please call Sally VanDeven 
(996-0652) if youd like to buy your groceries with Kroger certificates to 
support the pool.  All hands are welcome and needed as we get the pool 
ready for opening Memorial Day weekend.  Questions regarding the 
assessment and pool memberships [or other matters covered in the recent 
packet distributed to all Bromley homes-Ed.] can be addressed to Jan 
Riggs (769-5639), Connie Mahowald (663-0971), or Barb Chamness 
(769-8485).  We look forward to seeing you at the pool!  

	If the development of the parcels of land to the west of Traver 
Village is of interest to you, then you might wish to follow the 
activities of the City of Ann Arbor Planning Commission.  Meetings are 
open to public view and participation on the first and third Tuesdays of 
each month (with alterations to this general schedule when needed) and 
are telecast live on cable channel 10 (with replays throughout the 
week).  Meetings are held at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers on the second 
floor of City Hall (100 N. Fifth Ave.).

Disclaimer.  The opinions expressed in this section are solely those of 
the authors of the letters and do not necessarily reflect, explicitly or 
implicitly, the views of the Bromley Homeowners Association or residents 
of Bromley.

1.  From Ingrid Sheldon, Mayor of Ann Arbor
	A note indicating that she would be willing to serve to 
distribute awards for the Bromley Youth Community Service awards.

2.  From Ron Collins, Principal of Thurston Elementary School
     On behalf of the children and staff of Thurston School I want to add 
my thanks to Anne Dakes.
	Our library is a resource shared by all of our children and your 
continued support is greatly appreciated.
	If you or any other members of the bromley Hoemowners Association 
would like to visit the school or library at some time, please contact 
me.  It would be my pleasure to show you around.

	If you have not already done so, please remember to pay your 
yearly assessment of $35 to Connie Mahowald, 2980 Burlington, Ann Arbor, 
MI 48105; the funds from each household cover property taxes, insurance, 
and maintenance.  Please remember to pay your own way on this, rather 
than having your neighbor cover for you.  Questions?  Connie's phone 
number is:  663-0971.

	Let Kroger help support our neighborhood; when you shop at 
Kroger's use Kroger certificates.  For Dolfin's Pool, contact Sally 
Vandeven (996-0652)--a Dolfin's representative will deliver them to your 
door in exchange for your check. For Thurston School, purchase them at 
Thurston School.