Happy New Year!
With the new year, the NewsLetter once again returns to Bromley Homeowners. Look for items about the neighborhood: for matters of concern within the neighborhood as well as for matters outside the neighborhood that have the potential to have impact on our homeowners and renters. If you have not joined the Bromley Homeowners Assocation, please consider doing so. The cost is small: $5.00 per household per year. Neighborhood associations are important. They offer a forum in which to share views as well as a network of contacts with similar interests.

Mail--Bromley, far and wide!
A recent e-mail note from a homeowners association in upstate New York asked BHA for more information about how it coordinated social events, such as York asked BHA for more information about how it coordinated social events, such as neighborhood wide picnics, garage sales, and so forth. How nice to hear from someone far away with similar interests! A lengthy reply was sent, along with reference to the Bromley website.

Snow Melt Time
As the snow melts, a number of unwanted pet droppings seem to precede the more attractive flowers of spring. Please remember to scoop after your pet.

On-line Matters.
A number of new items appear on the Friends of Huron Parkway website. If you'd like to see the Northeast Area Plan, complete with text and figures, look at the web page. It's all there! Remember, Bromley is unique in the cluster of neighborhoods in the far northeast of Ann Arbor; it is the only one with a facade on the Parkway--a treasure for the entire city! Questions about old newsletters? Look in the online archives of the Bromley Homeowners Association ( where you will also find a link to the Friends of Huron Parkway.

Updated list of Neighborhood Watch Block Captains.....
Bromley Geo-Zone Block Captain(s) Name and Phone Number

1. Aurora, 2700-2970 Steve Busch 769-6515 Bill Arlinghaus 761-1231 2. Briarcliff, 2754-2790 Hector + Janet Cruz 769-8569 Linda Lake McCall 995-0721 3. Briarcliff, 2802-2848 Colleen Thurston 663-9413 Therese Anderson 663-7248 4. Briarcliff, 2849-2996 Ed Lewis 663-5690 Ron Sakowski 741-7168 5. Burlington St/Ct. All Mary Kay Barkely 668-0599 Janet Riggs 769-5639 6. Nixon, 2250-2364 Wendy Keeney 665-8752 7. Nixon, 2372-2464 Carrie Sercel 663-4346 8. Prairie St. 2118-2283 Myra Dennis 668-7383 Barb Chamness 769-8485 9. Prairie St. 2310-2372 Maureen Levens 665-4682 10. Prairie St. 2403-2551, 2563, 2575, and Prairie Ct Beverly Kraker 996-1968 11. Prairie St. 2560, 2587-2663 Mike Wilson 761-8756 12. Renfrew 2813-2885 Priscilla Spencer/Rajeev Batra 663-1874 13. Renfrew 2880, 2886-2963 Sheryl Manning Anderson 747-6563 14. Sheffield Ct. All Mary Ann Dennis 663-3172