Bromley Homeowners Association Annual Public Meeting

The next meeting of the Bromley Homeowners Association will take place on
Thursday, November 20, at 7:30 P.M., in the library at Thurston School.
This meeting is the annual public meeting. The agenda will include reports
from various officers as well as items of old business and new business.
Most of the new items will involve the Bromley Homeowners Association's
continuing effort over the past fifteen months to follow the various
goings-on surrounding development in the northeast area.

There will also be an election of members to the board of the Bromley
Homeowners Association, and following that election, the new board will
meet to elect officers.

o	Minutes of previous meetings-printed in the Newsletter.
o	Treasurer's report.
o	Old business.
o	New Business.	
o	State of Bromley.	
o	Certificates of appreciation issued.	
o	Development issues in the northeast area.
o	Election of board members followed by election of new officers for
	1997-1998 (September to September).

Winter Approaches

Please remember, as winter approaches, to keep your sidewalks clear of ice
and snow. Not only is a clear walk a safer walk, but it also promotes foot
traffic throughout the neighborhood on a year-round basis, which creates greater
neighborhood unity. We all appreciate having a clear path along which to

Friends of Huron Parkway
Sandra Arlinghaus	975-0246
Web Site URL

Bromley Homeowners Association Newsletter
Interim Editor/writer	Sandra Arlinghaus
Compositor		Charles F. Engle
Printer	Accu-Copy

The Newsletter is published by the Bromley Homeowners Association, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, for the residents of Bromley subdivision. The master is
produced on an Apple Macintosh 7200 computer using Microsoft Word 5.1a and
a Hewlett-Packard DeskWriter printer. Printing is done at cost by Bromley
resident Phil Zaret, owner of Accu-Copy, 402 Maynard.

The appearance of advertisements in the Newsletter does not imply
endorsement of the products or services advertised.
All material is copyrighted 1997 and may not be used without permission.

Bromley Homeowners Association Board
President	William E. Arlinghaus	761-1231
Vice-President	Elfriede Hofacker	994-3308
Treasurer	Colleen Thurston	663-9413
		Rajeev Batra		663-1874
		Joan Johnstone		662-4305
		Ron Sakowski		741-7168
		Howard Schafer		662-4643
		Irene Stock		996-0074

Web Site URL

Dolfins Pool
Phone	913-4558