BHA Newsletter--September, 1998


Welcome to our new neighbors in Bromley!

As the Fall season comes upon us, and many are returning from summers elsewhere, we might take a moment to welcome new Bromley residents: lend a helping hand, provide information, or just generally share Bromley spirit with new residents. This newsletter is open to submission from any Bromley resident; please feel free to use it to communicate with others. The Bromley Homeowners Association tries to understand situations within the neighborhood as well as keep in touch with the broader issues outside Bromley that have direct or indirect impact on our residents. Please let us know information of concern to you so that we may try to be helpful.

New residents might wish to note the following information concerning trash pick-up. The curbside pickup day is Wednesday each week (except when there is a City holiday on Monday or Tuesday in which case pickup is delayed one day). The trucks begin pickup at 7a.m. throughout the region they serve (which is larger than Bromley). There are a number of different pickups. Your home should come equipped with two bins for recycling. Wednesday is also recycling day. Use the bins, as marked, for curbside pickup of materials to be recycled. During the summer, Wednesday is also the day for the compostable collection. This information is just general; for more specific information, talk to your neighbors or call the City.


Information sought.

BHA seeks information from neighbors on two topics. We understand that our neighboring community of Orchard Hills/Maplewood recently sustained backup damage in the recent rains. One Bromley homeowner has noted that difficulty, as well. If you want, please let BHA know if you sustained such damage; it is usually more effective for an organization to represent a group of individuals than it is to represent a single individual. If BHA can be helpful, it is likely that it can be helpful only if it can identify the problem; getting a preliminary inventory of affected homes might be a good place to start. Please call Bill at 761-1231 or e-mail him at Over the past months Bill has been out of town quite a bit on job-related matters. Now, though, call Bill and if he's not at home, meet his fiancee, Kari and she will be happy to talk to you! One story that we picked up from a similar problem in Chicago was that local residents screwed standpipes into their basement drains--certainly not an optimal approach, but it is interesting to hear of regional variation.

BHA also continues to seek input from residents on their views of traffic, including their views on a light at Prairie and Plymouth. Bill has been down to Planning Commission meetings to discuss traffic patterns surrounding Bromley; it is very helpful for him to have a continuing supply of input for such meetings. Even if you have previously sent in information, please consider doing so again; it is helpful to have a pile of current viewpoints. Thanks to all who have already sent in reaction.

BHA Meeting; Board Members Sought.

Come one, come all--to the annual open public meeting of BHA. You will receive separate notification as to time and place. Keep it in mind, though. And, also please consider serving on the board. If you have a particular topic that interests you, sign up to be a board member and then you will have extra authority to pursue the topic that interests you: whether it is sewers, rate of turnover of homes, or neighborhood demographics. There are very few specific demands of board members so that the position of board member is an ideal platform from which to launch a variety of projects designed to maintain Bromley as the fine neighborhood it has been for so many years! Call or e-mail Bill soon! Then, on the flyer announcing the meeting, he will list those available to serve! It's a great experience, so join in. BHA always welcomes new neighbors on the board as well as our many international neighbors. Fresh viewpoints and variety in experience make for a strong neighborhood association. Keep BHA the strong outfit it has been for so long; join in!!