
Welcome to Bromley

It is always so nice to meet new neighbors. Consider lending a helping hand to a new neighbor (and enduring ones, as well). Often information can be quite useful. The Bromley Homeowners Association is happy to publish information in its Newsletter that is helpful to new residents. Please let us know what sort of information would be useful. Here are a few items that may be helpful; consider also joining a neighborhood group (such as the Homeowners Association—$5.00 annual dues; or DolÞns Pool—see article in the next column) and taking an active role in this active neighborhood.

Trash day is Wednesday. The garbage trucks can come as early as 7 a.m., so consider putting your trash out early in the morning (not the night before though, as nocturnal animals have been known to spread it all over the streets).

Your new home should come with two recycling bins: one for newspaper and other paper and one for certain cans, bottles, and the like. These also are picked up at the curbside on Wednesday.

Compostable material (neatly packaged) is also picked up (Wednesday) at the curbside during the gardening season.

More speciÞc information is often available in the Ann Arbor Observer, a monthly guide to Ann Arbor delivered free to each home in Ann Arbor. Read the Observer to learn about far more than pick-up schedules.

If there is a legal holiday (on which city of Ann Arbor workers do not work) on Monday or Tuesday, then pickup is delayed one day.

The Bromley Homeowners Association welcomes our new neighbors and hopes that all will have a pleasant spring and summer.

Garage Sale Day


Mary Ann Gasiorek

Bromley, Orchard Hills, and
Maplewood Neighborhoods
Saturday, May 16, 1998, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

This year the Bromley Neighborhood Garage Sale will be joined by the Orchard Hills and Maplewood Neighborhoods. Each homeowner runs their own garage sale and keeps all the proÞts. The Homeowners Associations will pay for the ad listed in The Ann Arbor News. Only the street names are listed in the newspaper, not individual addresses. You will need to put a sign and/or balloons in front of your house to indicate you are having a garage sale. You may also want to put a "Garage Sale" sign at the corner nearest your house. Signs will be posted at every entrance to our neighborhood.

With this kind of publicity, you may have a full-scale garage sale, or just put a few things out in your driveway. If you are interested in participating, please call Mary Ann Gasiorek at 734-996-4633 with your name and address.



Heated Pool

Howard Schafer

The best news in many years about the DolÞns swimming pool in Bromley is that the water will be heated this summer! As you are probably aware, the pool heater has been ordered and will soon be installed.

Some other improvements being considered are improving the ofÞce, raising the rear deck to be level (to help eliminate stubbed toes), and an answering machine for better communication by taking and giving messages daily.

To help pay for all these things, please use the Kroger certiÞcates, pay your $35 annual assessment if you haven’t already this year, and better yet, join the pool! (and enjoy your summer!) (continued)

The membership letter and the ßyer for the annual May ßower sale will be sent out about April 20.

New families in the neighborhood are especially welcome, as are volunteers to help with cleaning the pool.

The next pool board meeting is April 23 in the Thurston Library at 7:30 p.m.

Call Barb Chamness (734-769-8485), Chairperson, or Howard Schafer (Bromley Homeowners Association liaison) (734-662-4643) with any questions.

Bromley Neighborhood Watch Block Captains

2700–2970 Aurora Steve Busch 769-6515
William E. Arlinghaus 761-1231
2754–2790 Briarcliff Hector and Janet Curz 769-8569
Linda Lake McCall 995-0721
2802–2848 Briarcliff Colleen Thurston 663-9413
Theresa Anderson 663-7248
2849–2996 Briarcliff Ed Lewis 663-5690
Ron Sakowski 741-7168
Burlington St. & Ct. Mary Kay Barkley 668-0599
Jan Riggs 769-5639
2250–2364 Nixon Wendy Keeney 665-8752
2372–2464 Nixon Carrie Sercel, Head 663-4346
2118–2283 Prairie Myra Dennis 668-7383
Barbara Chamness 769-8485
2310–2372 Prairie Maureen Levens 665-4682
2403–2551, 2563, 2575
Prairie, Prairie Court Beverly Kraker 996-1968
2560, 2587–2663 Prairie Mike Wilson 761-8756
2813–2885 Renfrew Priscilla Spencer, Rajeev Batra 663-1874
2880, 2886–2963 Renfrew Jeanne Schafer 663-4643
ShefÞeld Court Mary Ann Dennis 663-3172

Traver Village Community Police OfÞce
(2:00–6:00 p.m. Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Friday)

Community Service
Assistant Tamala Martin 994-8107