Springtime in Bromley


Please remember to pick up various residues from your own pet before they become someone else’s problem. And also remember that Ann Arbor has a leash law, please walk your dogs on a leash. This law protects all: you, your dog, other dogs, and other people.



Directory Entries


Please check your old Bromley neighborhood directory and let Bill know of any inconsistencies in any entries you know of. Also, please let the Bromley Homeowners Association know if you wish to have your e-mail address added. The Bromley Homeowners Association wishes very much to have an on-line neighborhood! Remember, the sales of advertising in the directory (guaranteed delivery to each of the 231 homes in Bromley) helps to raise funds to distribute Bromley Grants for neighborhood projects.


To make this innovative neighborhood grant program continue to work, we need help from residents.


We need current information. E-mail Bill (copyrght@umich.edu) with current information about the directory database, or phone Bill (761-1231, leave a message on the answering machine; the best way to contact Bill, however, is by e-mail).


We need people willing to contact local merchants. E-mail Bill for further information. If ten people each contact one merchant, that can raise enough funds to produce the directory, Þnance portions of a neighborhood garage sale, donate food to pool parties, donate food to parties in Bromley Park, provide gifts to any of Scouts, Thurston School library, or Thurston Players


The Bromley Homeowners Association will provide all the computer expertise to manage the database and will bind the document using personal equipment.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

As spring emerges, not only are we greeted by the Þrst ßowers of the year, but also by neighbors whom we might not have seen all winter. It may be that these invisible neighbors have simply been busy; however, they may have been injured or otherwise occupied with some difÞculty. A helping hand from a friendly neighbor can bring to life the joy and hope of the spring season.

Watch for News from DolÞns Pool

Soon it will be time to consider the swimming season. Please remember to pay your fair share to pay the tax burden on this neighborhood resource. Then, consider joining the pool; information on the cost of pool membership (distinct from the fair share issue) will be forthcoming.

The Bromley Homeowners Association is pleased to support DolÞns pool, the pool owned by the Bromley neighborhood. Thus, the Bromley Homeowners Association is proud to offer information about the pool in its Newsletter and is happy to remind residents to watch for ßyers put out by the hard-working members of the DolÞns pool board.

Kroger CertiÞcates Continue to Support the Pool

Thanks to the many Bromley Homeowners Association members who continue to pay their fair share for pool taxes. Many of those also have found a painless way to support the pool is to buy Kroger certiÞcates from a DolÞns board member. Kroger’s donates a percentage of each certiÞcate to the pool. Remember, these are case-back certiÞcates that can be used at a variety of Kroger stores. They are as good as cash when used at Kroger’s.



Friends of Huron Parkway

Sandra Arlinghaus 975-0246

Web Site URL
