Around Bromley


Each year as Spring approaches, we find unwanted items surfacing in our yards and in the tree lawns. Please remember to make life easier for your neighbor: scoop after your pets; walk pets on leashes; encourage children to be kind to their neighborhood environment by not throwing their own trash on the sidewalks; indeed, we might all pick up one extra piece of trash (not of our own making) and have a neater neighborhood!



Outside Bromley--


Watch for possible major changes along the Plymouth Road/Huron Parkway business corridor. New Traverwood development continues to emerge to the west of Bromley. Other development may be forthcoming; BHA keeps in touch with developers and with other neighborhood groups. What would be most useful now, is response from individual residents within Bromley on the following topic: the intersection of Plymouth and Prairie. Please express your concerns, in writing, about this intersection and what your wish-list is as a solution to any problems you might see there. For example, if you find it difficult to turn left from Prairie into Plymouth, please say so; you might wish to note the times of day you typically have trouble. Keep a log of how long you wait to make the turn. Share anecdotal evidence of your adventures at that intersection. Suggest bold solutions; from a traffic light timed to work with the other two (at Huron Parkway and at Nixon) to whatever you might consider. Written evidence of all sorts is of great use in making a point as development proceeds. Now is the time for us to begin accumulating neighborhood opinion so that we have a good supply of documentation when the time comes.

Please write a letter to Bill Arlinghaus, 2790 Briarcliff, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, expressing any views you have about the intersection at Prairie and Plymouth. If you want, please feel free to include any other thoughts you have about traffic circulation in this area. Also, if you want, tell us if your place of work is close enough for you to walk to (such as, for example, Parke-Davis)

Master Plan revision. Bromley is in the part of the city of Ann Arbor known as the "northeast area." One of the items on the Planning Department agenda for the near future is a revision of the Northeast Area master plan. BHA will keep you informed as this moves forward.



Thanks to the many readers of the BHA Newsletter who sent in their $5.00 per year dues. If you have not already done so, please be sure to send a check to Bill at the address above. The dues keep the newsletters coming. They pay for any copying costs we might incur in soliciting opinion from the neighborhood (which might well become an issue with various possible nearby projects). They pay for creating a neighborhood directory distributed free to all homes. With what is left over, they pay for worthwhile endeavors such as the advertising for the annual All-Bromley garage sale, party in the park, flowers for the park, books for Thurston School library, gifts to the Thurston Players, and others in recent years. Please remember to send in your dues and let's make this a super year for Bromley!


BHA Board Members Needed

Please call Bill if you would like to serve. These look to be exciting times to be involved in service to this community. Consider joining us; what we need is a few more good men and women!