Housing and Growth in Washtenaw County

  Median Value of Owner-Occupied Housing Median Monthly Household Costs with a Mortgage Population Growth Rate from 1990-2000
State of Michigan
Washtenaw County
How much higher Washtenaw County is
$58,700 or 66%
$358 or 37%

Source: 2000 U.S. Census
While the above table suggests major housing and growth differences between Washtenaw County and the State of Michigan, a more detailed visual interpretation of these differences can be seen in the links below. These links will take you to statewide and countywide maps to give you a thorough examination of not only differences between Washtenaw County and the State of Michigan, but also differences that occur within Washtenaw County.

GIS Maps of Washtenaw County vs. State of Michigan

Median Household Income

Median Value of Owner-Occupied Housing

Median Monthly Housing Costs with a Mortgage

Homeownership Rate

Housing Density

Population Change

By looking at the above links, you can see that Washtenaw County has a unique mix of incomes, housing value, and densities. One unique aspect is the population change of the county. Of Washtenaw County's 28 municipalities (20 townships, 4 cities, and 4 villages), 21 have a growth rate that is higher than the county average. This is more than twice the state average! This begs the question: Why is this growth taking place in these areas and not others?

While there are many factors that one considers before deciding to move to a certain area, I am investigating two in particular: school quality and tax burden.
How is school quality measured?
Graduation rates

MEAP scores

Where are the school districts that have high graduation rates AND MEAP scores? Where are those that have low graduation rates and MEAP scores?

How is tax burden measured?

Local homestead property tax rates
If I were to purchase a home in Washtenaw County, where could I find a home where property taxes are low and school quality is high? Conversely, what areas should I avoid where property taxes are high and school quality is low?

Does school quality and tax rates affect growth rates?

While further analysis will be needed to study this link, connections can be made by observing the maps.

The bigger issues is not the existing link between school quality, tax rates and growth rates, but the potential link. If a family was in the market for a new home in Washtenaw County, it would be encouraged to purchase in the shaded green areas where property taxes are low and school quality is high. All of the shaded areas are in township areas and none are within any of the cities or villages.