Control Areas of six urban EZs

Empowerment Zone Detroit Chicago Atlanta Baltimore New York Philadelphia
Thematic Map by census tract with factor score (fac1_1) det_con_4 (final).jpg (257136 bytes) chg_con_2.jpg (253040 bytes) at_con_1.jpg (204241 bytes) bal_con_1.jpg (248665 bytes)  ny_con_1.jpg (288780 bytes)  phil_con_1.jpg (237845 bytes)
Grid Interpolated Map (fac1_1) det_grid_1.jpg (107552 bytes) chg_con_1.jpg (96794 bytes) at_con_2.jpg (111287 bytes) bal_con_2.jpg (120758 bytes)  ny_con_2.jpg (149110 bytes) phi_con_2.jpg (107642 bytes)
  Sample T-test Sample T-test  Sample T-test  Sample T-test  Sample T-test  Sample T-test

Method of Hypothesis Test and Test Result