Factor Analysis

Output Created 11 Feb 01 11:09:01
Input Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 1280
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing MISSING=EXCLUDE: User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used LISTWISE: Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used.
/VARIABLES zpctwhit zpctblac zpctasia zpcthisp zpctfemh zmedhhin zavghhin
zmedfami zavgfami zpci zpctpoor zpctvery zpctelem zpctnhsg zpctnoco zpctunem
zsc001 zpctmgpr zpcttech zpctserv zpctvacn zpctowne zpctrent zavghval
zmedhval /MISSING LISTWISE /ANALYSIS zpctwhit zpctblac zpctasia zpcthisp
zpctfemh zmedhhin zavghhin zmedfami zavgfami zpci zpctpoor zpctvery zpctelem
zpctnhsg zpctnoco zpctunem zsc001 zpctmgpr zpcttech zpctserv zpctvacn
zpctowne zpctrent zavghval zmedhval
Resources Maximum Memory Required 79060 (77.207K) bytes
Elapsed Time 0:00:00.44
Variables Created FAC1_1 Component score 1


Initial Extraction
Zscore: PCTWHITE 1.000 .534
Zscore: PCTBLACK 1.000 .525
Zscore: PCTASIAN 1.000 7.412E-02
Zscore: PCTHISP 1.000 3.147E-02
Zscore: PCTFEMHE 1.000 .778
Zscore: MEDHHINC 1.000 .858
Zscore: AVGHHINC 1.000 .751
Zscore: MEDFAMIN 1.000 .891
Zscore: AVGFAMIN 1.000 .758
Zscore: PCI 1.000 .753
Zscore: PCTPOOR 1.000 .773
Zscore: PCTVERYP 1.000 .680
Zscore: PCTELEM 1.000 .554
Zscore: PCTNHSGR 1.000 .791
Zscore: PCTNOCOL 1.000 .622
Zscore: PCTUNEMP 1.000 .742
Zscore(PCTUNEMF) PCTUNEMF 1.000 .682
Zscore: PCTMGPR 1.000 .532
Zscore: PCTTECHS 1.000 6.199E-02
Zscore: PCTSERV 1.000 .670
Zscore: PCTVACNT 1.000 .209
Zscore: PCTOWNER 1.000 .430
Zscore: PCTRENTR 1.000 .393
Zscore: AVGHVAL 1.000 .701
Zscore: MEDHVAL 1.000 .710
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 14.502 58.010 58.010 14.502 58.010 58.010
2 3.077 12.309 70.319

3 1.554 6.217 76.536

4 1.421 5.686 82.222

5 .829 3.316 85.538

6 .757 3.030 88.567

7 .654 2.617 91.184

8 .483 1.932 93.116

9 .407 1.628 94.744

10 .370 1.481 96.225

11 .210 .839 97.064

12 .169 .675 97.739

13 .159 .635 98.374

14 9.293E-02 .372 98.745

15 8.532E-02 .341 99.087

16 6.024E-02 .241 99.328

17 4.849E-02 .194 99.522

18 3.232E-02 .129 99.651

19 2.798E-02 .112 99.763

20 2.530E-02 .101 99.864

21 2.096E-02 8.384E-02 99.948

22 9.588E-03 3.835E-02 99.986

23 3.139E-03 1.256E-02 99.999

24 3.253E-04 1.301E-03 100.000

25 2.544E-06 1.018E-05 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrix(a)

Zscore: PCTWHITE -.731
Zscore: PCTBLACK .724
Zscore: PCTASIAN -.272
Zscore: PCTHISP .177
Zscore: PCTFEMHE .882
Zscore: MEDHHINC -.926
Zscore: AVGHHINC -.867
Zscore: MEDFAMIN -.944
Zscore: AVGFAMIN -.871
Zscore: PCI -.868
Zscore: PCTPOOR .879
Zscore: PCTVERYP .824
Zscore: PCTELEM .744
Zscore: PCTNHSGR .889
Zscore: PCTNOCOL .789
Zscore: PCTUNEMP .862
Zscore: PCTMGPR -.730
Zscore: PCTTECHS -.249
Zscore: PCTSERV .819
Zscore: PCTVACNT .457
Zscore: PCTOWNER -.655
Zscore: PCTRENTR .627
Zscore: AVGHVAL -.837
Zscore: MEDHVAL -.842
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a 1 components extracted.

Rotated Component Matrix(a)
a Only one component was extracted. The solution cannot be rotated.

Factor Analysis

Output Created 11 Feb 01 11:07:59
Input Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 1280
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing MISSING=EXCLUDE: User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used LISTWISE: Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used.
/VARIABLES zpctwhit zpctblac zpctasia zpcthisp zpctfemh zmedhhin zavghhin
zmedfami zavgfami zpci zpctpoor zpctvery zpctelem zpctnhsg zpctnoco zpctunem
zsc001 zpctmgpr zpcttech zpctserv zpctvacn zpctowne zpctrent zavghval
zmedhval /MISSING LISTWISE /ANALYSIS zpctwhit zpctblac zpctasia zpcthisp
zpctfemh zmedhhin zavghhin zmedfami zavgfami zpci zpctpoor zpctvery zpctelem
zpctnhsg zpctnoco zpctunem zsc001 zpctmgpr zpcttech zpctserv zpctvacn
zpctowne zpctrent zavghval zmedhval
Resources Maximum Memory Required 74020 (72.285K) bytes
Elapsed Time 0:00:00.20


Initial Extraction
Zscore: PCTWHITE 1.000 .734
Zscore: PCTBLACK 1.000 .697
Zscore: PCTASIAN 1.000 .269
Zscore: PCTHISP 1.000 3.375E-02
Zscore: PCTFEMHE 1.000 .875
Zscore: MEDHHINC 1.000 .880
Zscore: AVGHHINC 1.000 .854
Zscore: MEDFAMIN 1.000 .926
Zscore: AVGFAMIN 1.000 .882
Zscore: PCI 1.000 .887
Zscore: PCTPOOR 1.000 .916
Zscore: PCTVERYP 1.000 .845
Zscore: PCTELEM 1.000 .557
Zscore: PCTNHSGR 1.000 .801
Zscore: PCTNOCOL 1.000 .821
Zscore: PCTUNEMP 1.000 .829
Zscore(PCTUNEMF) PCTUNEMF 1.000 .767
Zscore: PCTMGPR 1.000 .814
Zscore: PCTTECHS 1.000 8.303E-02
Zscore: PCTSERV 1.000 .674
Zscore: PCTVACNT 1.000 .418
Zscore: PCTOWNER 1.000 .661
Zscore: PCTRENTR 1.000 .576
Zscore: AVGHVAL 1.000 .895
Zscore: MEDHVAL 1.000 .885
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings(a)
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total
1 14.502 58.010 58.010 14.502 58.010 58.010 12.648
2 3.077 12.309 70.319 3.077 12.309 70.319 12.261
3 1.554 6.217 76.536

4 1.421 5.686 82.222

5 .829 3.316 85.538

6 .757 3.030 88.567

7 .654 2.617 91.184

8 .483 1.932 93.116

9 .407 1.628 94.744

10 .370 1.481 96.225

11 .210 .839 97.064

12 .169 .675 97.739

13 .159 .635 98.374

14 9.293E-02 .372 98.745

15 8.532E-02 .341 99.087

16 6.024E-02 .241 99.328

17 4.849E-02 .194 99.522

18 3.232E-02 .129 99.651

19 2.798E-02 .112 99.763

20 2.530E-02 .101 99.864

21 2.096E-02 8.384E-02 99.948

22 9.588E-03 3.835E-02 99.986

23 3.139E-03 1.256E-02 99.999

24 3.253E-04 1.301E-03 100.000

25 2.544E-06 1.018E-05 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a When components are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Component Matrix(a)

1 2
Zscore: PCTWHITE -.731 -.447
Zscore: PCTBLACK .724 .415
Zscore: PCTASIAN -.272 .442
Zscore: PCTHISP .177 -4.769E-02
Zscore: PCTFEMHE .882 .312
Zscore: MEDHHINC -.926 .149
Zscore: AVGHHINC -.867 .322
Zscore: MEDFAMIN -.944 .187
Zscore: AVGFAMIN -.871 .353
Zscore: PCI -.868 .367
Zscore: PCTPOOR .879 .378
Zscore: PCTVERYP .824 .407
Zscore: PCTELEM .744 -5.948E-02
Zscore: PCTNHSGR .889 -.100
Zscore: PCTNOCOL .789 -.446
Zscore: PCTUNEMP .862 .294
Zscore(PCTUNEMF) PCTUNEMF .826 .291
Zscore: PCTMGPR -.730 .531
Zscore: PCTTECHS -.249 -.145
Zscore: PCTSERV .819 5.835E-02
Zscore: PCTVACNT .457 .457
Zscore: PCTOWNER -.655 -.481
Zscore: PCTRENTR .627 .428
Zscore: AVGHVAL -.837 .440
Zscore: MEDHVAL -.842 .418
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a 2 components extracted.

Pattern Matrix(a)

1 2
Zscore: PCTWHITE -9.994E-02 -.917
Zscore: PCTBLACK 6.711E-02 .877
Zscore: PCTASIAN .674 .384
Zscore: PCTHISP -.158 3.628E-02
Zscore: PCTFEMHE -.145 .835
Zscore: MEDHHINC .710 -.308
Zscore: AVGHHINC .877 -7.143E-02
Zscore: MEDFAMIN .764 -.273
Zscore: AVGFAMIN .916 -3.633E-02
Zscore: PCI .930 -1.795E-02
Zscore: PCTPOOR -6.576E-02 .914
Zscore: PCTVERYP -1.526E-05 .920
Zscore: PCTELEM -.500 .320
Zscore: PCTNHSGR -.631 .348
Zscore: PCTNOCOL -.978 -.119
Zscore: PCTUNEMP -.154 .804
Zscore(PCTUNEMF) PCTUNEMF -.136 .782
Zscore: PCTMGPR 1.042 .250
Zscore: PCTTECHS -2.580E-02 -.304
Zscore: PCTSERV -.405 .500
Zscore: PCTVACNT .271 .786
Zscore: PCTOWNER -.184 -.919
Zscore: PCTRENTR .138 .840
Zscore: AVGHVAL .998 8.517E-02
Zscore: MEDHVAL .976 5.670E-02
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
a Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

Structure Matrix

1 2
Zscore: PCTWHITE .489 -.853
Zscore: PCTBLACK -.496 .833
Zscore: PCTASIAN .427 -4.849E-02
Zscore: PCTHISP -.182 .138
Zscore: PCTFEMHE -.682 .929
Zscore: MEDHHINC .908 -.764
Zscore: AVGHHINC .923 -.635
Zscore: MEDFAMIN .939 -.763
Zscore: AVGFAMIN .939 -.624
Zscore: PCI .942 -.615
Zscore: PCTPOOR -.652 .956
Zscore: PCTVERYP -.590 .920
Zscore: PCTELEM -.705 .641
Zscore: PCTNHSGR -.854 .753
Zscore: PCTNOCOL -.902 .509
Zscore: PCTUNEMP -.670 .903
Zscore(PCTUNEMF) PCTUNEMF -.638 .869
Zscore: PCTMGPR .882 -.419
Zscore: PCTTECHS .169 -.287
Zscore: PCTSERV -.726 .760
Zscore: PCTVACNT -.234 .612
Zscore: PCTOWNER .406 -.801
Zscore: PCTRENTR -.401 .752
Zscore: AVGHVAL .944 -.556
Zscore: MEDHVAL .940 -.570
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.

Component Correlation Matrix
Component 1 2
1 1.000 -.642
2 -.642 1.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.