Les Pays où le français est langue officielle ou co-officielle*

Countries where French is an Official or a Co-Official Language


Did you know that over 90 million people in the world speak French?

To get a closer look, click on each continent that has a country marked in red!


Did you know that France, itself, has official departments outside of the mainland?

Click here to see a map of the official departements et territoires d'outre mer (or, les DOM, TOM for short!)

France once had a very large empire. Many of the countries that were part of this empire still show signs of a lot of French influence, including language.

Click here to see an animated map of the French influence throughout history.* What countries still retain this influence?

*Please note that I have tried to be as accurate as possible in my maps. Even so, these maps should be used as a general guide. Because there is dispute over when exactly the French were dominating certain countries or parts of countries, I have had to use my best judgement.

Here are some interesting sites on why anyone would want to learn French:

On the Importance of Knowing French

70 Good Reasons to Study French

More Good Reasons to Study French

Why Study a Second Language?


*Information for this page and its maps comes from:





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