Outline and Methods 
Where are we?
How has vegetation in the Ottawa National Forest 
changed over time?
What do deer have to do with vegetation?
How will I examine the available data?
Ottawa National Forest map shown here is supplied by
Since available habitat 
has the potential to limit deer
I need to establish time frames by 
which I can analyze changes in 
vegetation over time.
Time frames used:


1. Presettlement Vegetation

2. Current Vegetation 

These data were taken from the Miris1 Database available through the University of Michigan SNRE-GIS Research Laboratory.
Available through the Michigan DNR
Step 2:
Gather as much possible information 
on the historic and current 
deer populations for each time frame
being examined.
Data Sources:

U.S. Forest Service; Ottawa National Forest 

Mointoring and Evaluation Report, FY 1994

MI Department of Natural Resources; Marquette

1997 Michigan and Wisconsin Deer Exclosure Survey
Report to LS-FOREM Northern Hardwoods Subcommitte
Step 3:
Analyze patterns of 
vegetation change
and deer densities over time. 
Look for correlations between change
in vegetation and deer densities.

ArcView 3.1 


These software programs were made available by the 
University of Michigan Campus Computing Sites 
(at infrequent intervals.)
Step 4:


Form conclusions from the patterns 
observed between the changes in
vegetation and deer densities.
Further considerations and analyses:


Analyze the approach in estimating deer populations. 

Amount of sunlight reaching forest floor

Examine the influence of climatic patterns as measured by minimum 

temperatures 1 meter from the ground.

Some final thoughts on this project !
page lsat edited 14 dec 1999 lts