Technology and science are tightly woven together. Scientific progress often occurs only with technological advancements and vice-versa. This intricate relationship demonstrates that the exploration of science is largely dependent on technology for its success. There have been numerous instruments developed to aid in the understanding of every scientific field. These technological tools have helped scientists measure, observe, collect and organize data. My lesson plans employ many of these different types of technological innovations.

In two of my laboratory activities I make extensive use of the microscope. This technological device has gained greater and greater sophistication since the 17 century. It is one of the most fundamental tools of biology and allows my students to observe cells in ways that would be impossible with their naked eyes. My pupils are able to observe organelles in both plant and animal cells. A magnified understanding of the cell enables students to ask more questions and resolve more problems, thus allowing scientific inquiry to flourish.

Another highly technological machine used in my activities is the computer. The computer is great for organizing information. In the cell voyager activity the computer is essential to the success of the task.The activity requires the students to search the internet for information about the cell. Then there are web sites such as Virtual Cell and Mariner's Museum that are necessary to carry out the mission. The students will be required to type papers that explain their voyage. They will also have to type lab reports on the computer.

I will integrate many types of technology in my teaching. I will try to emphasize the most current techology whenever possible. I will attempt to provide whatever technological device is needed so that my students can better understand a concept or perform an experiment. I will encourage and educate students in the use of these tools for achieving a practical result. Students must learn to possess technological skills in order to function in the dynamic world we live in today.

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