This page was the result of a collaborative effort between two graduate students in the University of Michigan School of Education: Gabrielle Burba and George Darden.

Gabrielle, a graduate (1994) of Hamilton College in Clinton, NY, is a member of the MAC Program, Cohort B (the site is currently under construction).  She teaches ninth grade at John Glenn High School.  Her website, incluing her resume, is here.

George, a graduate (1996) of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA, is a member of the MAC Program, Cohort A.  He teaches ninth grade at Huron High School. His website, including his resume, is here.

We hope that you have found this web site useful.  It was created not only to be a resource for our classrooms and others, but also to fulfill the requirements for NRE 530, a class taught by Sandy Arlinghaus.  [Click here to see the projects of some of our classmates.]  It was created using a wide variety of applications, including Netscape (Communicator and Composer), Microsoft Word, MapEdit, Adobe Photoshop, the Microsoft Photo Editor, and WS_FTP.

We welcome any questions, suggestions, or comments regarding our site.  Please feel free to e-mail, and we will respond as quickly as possible.  Thanks for stopping by!