Data Used On Animated Maps

All Data in this map is represented in right ascension and declination.  When these points were plotted, they were converted to decimal degree useing the following equation (there are 15o in an hour):

(Second/3600 + Minutes/60 + Hours) * 15 = decimal degrees

In addition, the following were used as referance lines:
            Right Ascension = longitude
            Declination = latitude
            Vernal Equinox = Prime Meridian
            Celestial Equator = Equator (North and South the same as on land)

Click here to learn more about Mapping: Mapping the Stars
Constellation Star Right Ascension Declination
Orion Betelgeuse 05 53 10.3 + 07 24 25
Rigel 05 14 32.3 - 08 12 06
Bellatrix 05 25 07.9 + 06 20 59
Mintaka 05 32 00.4 - 00 17 57
Alnilam 05 36 12.8 - 01 12 07
Alnitak 05 40 45.5 - 01 56 34
Nair as Saif 05 35 26.0 - 05 54 36
Saiph 05 47 45.4 - 09 40 11
Meissa 05 35 08.3 + 09 56 03
Tabit 04 49 50.4 + 06 57 41
Tabit 04 50 36.7 + 08 54 01
Tabit 04 51 12.4 + 05 36 18
Tabit 04 54 53.8 + 10 90 30
Thabit 05 31 55.8 - 07 18 50
Pegasus Markab 23 04 45.7 + 15 12 19
Scheat 23 03 46.5 + 28 04 58
Algenib 00 13 14.2 + 15 11 01
Enif 21 44 11.2 + 09 52 30
Homam 22 41 27.7 + 10 49 53
Matar 22 43 00.1 + 30 13 17
Baham 22 10 12.0 + 06 11 52
Salm 23 20 38.2 + 23 44 25
Perseus Mirphak 03 24 19.4 + 49 51 40
Algol 03 08 10.1 +40 57 20
Miram 02 50 41.8 +55 53 44
Menkib 03 58 57.9 + 35 47 28
Atik 03 44 19.1 + 32 17 18
Gorgonea Secunda 02 58 45.7 + 39 39 46
Gorgonea Tertia 03 05 10.6 + 38 50 25
Gorgonea Quarta 03 11 17.4 + 39 36 42
Pisces Alrisha 02 02 02.8 + 02 45 49
Fum al Samakah 23 03 52.6 + 03 49 12
Torcularis Septentrionalis 01 45 23.6 + 09 09 28
Taurus Aldebaran 04 35 55.2 + 16 30 33
Alnath 05 26 17.7 + 28 36 27
Hyadum I 04 19 47.6 + 15 37 39
Hyadum II 04 22 56.1 + 17 32 33
Ain 04 28 37.0 + 19 10 49 
Alcyone 03 47 29.1 + 24 06 18
Celaeno 03 44 48.2 + 24 17 22
Electra 03 44 52.5 + 24 06 48
Taygeta 03 45 12.5 + 24 28 02
Maia 03 45 49.6 + 24 22 04
Asterope 03 45 54.4 + 24 33 17
Sterope II 03 46 02.9 + 24 31 41
Merope 03 46 19.6 + 23 56 54 
Atlas 03 49 09.7 + 24 03 12 
Pleione 03 49 11.2 + 24 08 12