Design Collaborative

What is a Heritage Corridor?

According to the National Coalition for Heritage Areas, a heritage corridor is a area with a distinctive sense of place unified by large scale resources. They are dynamic environments where private ownership predominates but where change can be creatively guided. In addition, a heritage corridor encourages the protection of environmental, scenic, and cultural resources. As well as educating residents and visitors about community history, traditions and the environment while providing for outdoor recreation.

What are the benefits of a heritage corridor?

A Heritage Corridor enhances a communities existing natural features and resources (economic, natural, and manmade) by attracting reinvestment opportunities for tourists as well as encouraging sustainable growth and development. In addition, existing features and attractions are both strengthened and their values increased through effective control of their use and preservation. And finally, a communities unique heritage is illuminated.

Why these four communities?

The communities of Dexter, Chelsea, Manchester and Saline are already linked in many ways. These four communities are geographical similar, their culture and heritage is uniquely the same, and the rural, agricultural way of life is a strong American ideal. In addition, existing major thoroughfares connect these four areas. Each community has many unique qualities that can be positively enhanced while at the same time offering a an opportunity to expand their economic base.

How to use the interactive heritage corridor...

In order to both engage participants and compliment existing resources, this heritage corridor must be an interactive vehicle with which, you the user, can easily access a given set of existing recreation activities and opportunities no matter your age, education, or physical abilities.

This user friendly approach to gaining information about recreation and history in the Dexter, Chelsea, Manchester and Saline area allows you the freedom to select your mode of transportation, your route, your personal interests, and your final destination coupled with the ability to pick and choose any stops along the way. So, select the icons that interest you below and experience The Washtenaw Heritage Connection!

If you have already experienced a unique recreation activity or a look at a

historical item of significance and would like to let others know about it,

place a note on the bulletin board by pressing the icon to the right on

the screen. If you want to take a look at the activities others have enjoyed

for suggestions, take a look at the bulletin board!

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