SHAPEAGF (09/28/96)

To run SHAPEAGF, open a DOS window, and type SHAPEAGF on the command line. 

  SHAPEAGF converts a ArcView shape file into an AGF file for use with
Atlas  GIS. It can also be used to display information about the shape
file or the  list of current projections.

  This form of the command displays information about the shape file. It
will display the number of features, the type of feature, the boundaries
of the file, and the items on the file.

    SHAPEAGF [shape_file] {output_file}


      [shape_file]  The name of the shape file to use display information
      about.  You must have SHP, SHX and DBF files to list. Do not 
      include the suffix.

      {output_file} An optional output file to send the information about
       the shape file to. If not specified the output is displayed on 
       the screen.

  This form of the command displays a list of all the current projections.

    SHAPEAGF [COORDSYS] {output_file}

      [COORDSYS]  Indicates that you want to see the list of 
      projections (COORDinate SYStems).

      {output_file} An optional output file to send the list of
       to.  If not specified the output is displayed on the screen.

  This form of the command converts a shape_file an AGF file.

    SHAPEAGF [shape_file] [afg_file] [projection] [layer_name]
             [id_item] {name1_item} {name2_item}

      [shape_file]  The name of the shape file to use for the conversion. 
      You must have SHP, SHX and DBF files to do the conversion. Do
      not include the suffix.

      [agf_file]  The name of the ATLAS AGF file to create. An AGF 
      and AIF file will be created. Do not include the suffix.

      [projection]  What projection or coordinate system the shape file
      currently is in. There are numerous choices but a list can
      be obtained by using the COORDSYS option.

      [layer_name]  The name of the layer that will be created on the 
      AGF file.  This is limited to sixteen characters and must not have 
      any blanks. Please note that this parameter is case sensitive.

      [id_item]   The name of the item from the shape file that will be 
      used as the _ID field on the AGF file.

      {name1_item}  The name of the item from the shape file that will 
       be used as the _NAME field on the AGF file. This parameter is

      {name2_item}  The name of the item from the shape file that will
       be used as the _NAME2 field on the AGF file. This parameter is

  To run this command you must have a COORDSYS file (from Atlas GIS)
either in your current directory, the directory that the program is run
from or the DATUM subdirectory under the ARCEXE directory (PC ARC/INFO
users). The COORDSYS file lists all the available projections supported by
ATLAS with the necessary parameters and data. The projection parameter on
the shapeagf command line tells what projection the data already is in. It
does not do a projection during conversion. You must know the projection
of the shape file data or you will have to specify USER, USER_2, USER_4 or
USER_6 projections.

  Labels for each polyline are calculated by finding the longest segment
of the first line of the polyline and using the midpoint of that segment.
The angle of that segment is used for the angle for the label.

  Labels for each region are calculated by using the centroid of the first
polygon of a region. The angle of the label is zero.

  SHAPEAGF will skip any shape feature that has more than 4096 vertices.
There  will be a message displayed on the screen, and the conversion
process will  continue. Before you open the resulting AGF file in Atlas,
please run the GEOFIX program found in the /agisw subdirectory on the AGF

  Once you open the AGF file in Atlas, the index files will be rebuilt,
and the AGF file can then be used normally. 

    List information about the shape file "states"


      51 Type  5 POLYGON shape records.
      X Min         -187.193000
      Y Min           18.925000
      X Max          -66.952500
      Y Max           71.342500
      Data File Items

    This shape file has 51 polygon shape records. The bounding box of
    the shape file is displayed (-187.193, 18.925, -66.9525, 71.3425)
    with a list of the items (STATES_ID, STATE, STATE_NAME,
    POP_1980, POP_1990).

    List some of the projections or coordinate systems that are
    available. They are listed in alphabetical order.

      AK-1      Alaska State Planes, Zone 1
      AK-10     Alaska State Planes, Zone 10
      AK-2      Alaska State Plane, Zone 2
      AK-3      Alaska State Plane, Zone 3
      AK-4      Alaska State Plane, Zone 4
      WY83-E    Wyoming State Plane, NAD83, Eastern Zone
      WY83-EC   Wyoming State Plane, NAD83, East Central Zone
      WY83-W    Wyoming State Plane, NAD83, Western Zone
      WY83-WC   Wyoming State Plane, NAD83, West Central Zone

    Convert the shape file STATES to the AGF file USA. The projection is
lat-long. This layer will be called "States" and use the item STATES_ID as
the _ID field and STATE_NAME as the _NAME field.


    SHAPEAGF (08/28/96)
    Copyright (C) 1996 by
    Environmental Systems Research Institute
    380 New York Street
    Redlands, CA 92373
    All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

    51 Type 5 (POLYGON) shape records in C:\ARC\SHAPEAGF\STATES