Some Topics

Here is a list of some possible paper topics. It is not intended to be complete, but illustrates subjects, some of which have been used by previous students. You should use the list only for reference, and choose a topic of your own (preferably not one on this list).

Arms control
Atmospheric Testing
Atoms for Peace
Biographical subject
Bomb in children's literature
Bomb in fiction
Bomb in film
Bomb in music
Bomb in poetry
Bomb in popular culture
Chernobyl: The nucear disaster and its consequences
Civil defense
Cuban Missile Crisis
Decision to drop the bomb
Decision: The Soviet element
Espionage, real and other
Forged by the Sword: French resistance to the Bomb
French bomb effort
From ``Looking Backward'' to ``Woman on the edge of Time''
German Bomb effort
Hypocrisy and injustice at a Federal level (JRO)
``In the Matter of JRO'' in fact and drama
Influence of the A-Bomb on Film genre
Israel and its Nuclear capabilities
Israeli bomb effort
JRO, his students, and McCarthyism
Lawrence and JRO
Legacy of the Gouzenko story
National Laboratory at Hanford
Neutron Bomb
No surprise: A-Bombs in the popular press, 1937-47
Nuclear Checkers? France's dangerous game ...
Nuclear Strategy in the '90s
Nuclear Time Bomb (Chernobyl Sarcophagus
Nuclear accidents
Nuclear submarines
Oppenheimer security hearings
Postwar growth of Hiroshima
Present proliferation practices
Psychological aspects of the Nuclear era
Psychological impact of the Bomb
Psychological implications of the dropping of the A-Bomb
Radiation testing on Human Subjects ...
Running of a Nuclear Spy; Why Israel took the risk
SALT negotiations
Science advisors
Soviet bomb effort
Star Wars: A plausible defense ...
Star Wars: An overview
Strategic bombing
Survivors' writings
Teller and JRO
Test ban negotiations
Testing in Nevada
Testing in the Pacific
Three Mile Island
Truman, MacArthur and the Bomb
Underground Testing
What does an Atomic Bomb do?
Women at Los Alamos

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